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The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.

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Should men have a say when it comes to the issue of abortion? Why or why not?featuredquestion

Should men have a say when it comes to the issue of abortion? Why or why not?A VERY TOUCHY SUBJECT! BEWARE!!


WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU ARE FACED WITH AN UNPLAN/WANTED PREGNACY___featuredquestion_read other peoples answers

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I fully believe from the bottom of my heart. . .becuase let's face it. . .not all men are always reliable, in pro choice! I whole heartedly believe the responcibility falls on the woman to choose whats right for her body!

If the couple has sex just out of pure "I got a inch and it needs to be scratch" and the girl/woman gets pregnate and the man isn't around, then by all means. it's her choice! If a girl get raped or incest was involved, she has a right to end the pregnacy with out anyones concent. It'S HER BODY! If the couple discides to be together for the child's sake then I think it would create more problems and confusion.
If she is under age of 16, then her parents/gardian must get involved.

Parents! Don't be accusing! be patient! Don't belittle her, she has made a mistake! It nothing you can't handle. Be there for her! Don't be anoucing it to the world! No one should now except you the young girl and the doctor!

If on the other had the couple is married and they are having tough times, that's when the man can get involed. You both should work together. dont bring other people involved unless you are sure about the situation. Again, you your spose and you family doctor should discuss the important matter at hand.

from X_BaByImYoUrS_X - 24 hours ago
I think that men should not have a say when it comes to abortion. I say this because it is up to the women whether thay are ready to have a baby or not and if she decides to get an abortion thats her decision. It is her body and her decision....

from ChristysJournal87 - 2 days ago
It should be primarily the woman's decision but yes I guess the guy should state his opinion. However, the girl shouldn't do it just because the guy said so.

from ShelbyVictoria - 2 days ago
I don't think men should be the deciding factor.While they can obviously express their opinion if it is their child.But in the end, it is the woman's decision because it is her body what would be violated and/or balloone...

from Celtic_Butterfly - 2 days ago
This is a tough one to answer, but here goes...
In my opinion it depends upon the man and the situation. If he's a good guy, caring and supportive and you know he wants children then by all means ask him what he wants to do. Make the decision together.


If he's a jerk to begin with, abusive, or leaves you at the mere suspicion you may be pregnant, sorry for the language, but f*** him. If he wanted to have any input he shouldn't be such a flipping jerk. In this case he doesn't deserve to have any, and there's a good chance you wouldn't even be able to find him to ask him anyway. Decide on your own. Whether you decide to keep your baby or not, a guy like this has no entitlement to guide your decision.

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