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i was listening to 105.1 the buzz last night and the host Kim (her radio show). She was talking to the guy who set this site up and i thought ill give this a try Later, after i get back from work.

You Color Your Life With Intense Warmth

You are a down to earth, stable person. You can be relied on.

You enjoy the outdoors. There's something about being in nature that makes you feel really blissful.

While you are responsible, you aren't boring. You have a lot of flair and style.

You enjoy creative projects of all sorts. You're a very visual person.

The Basic Meaning of the Five of Clubs
'Change of mind and plans' is the basic meaning of the Five of Clubs. However, any five can mean change in residence or travel opportunities. Five of Clubs can also mean a restlessness that brings up a desire to explore new realms, at least on the mental level.

Whenever this card appears, it may be a signal for a change in your life. You will likely feel a dissatisfaction with things as they are and want to progress into new areas. Be open to new plans, new ideas, new places to go, etc. The only negative side of this card is an unwillingness to commit one's self to any particular belief or philosophy.

You are currently in the 52-day period of your year. This period began on 3/4/2009 and will end on 4/25/2009.
The Basic Meaning of the Jack of Hearts
The Jack of Hearts is known as the 'Christ Card', or the 'Card of Spiritual Sacrifice'. Whenever it is present, you will feel and be encouraged to elevate your thinking, speaking and acting to a higher level. You may also decide to make some sort of personal sacrifice when this influence is present. This would likely be for the sake of someone younger than yourself though it can take other forms. The period position will delineate the exact nature of the sacrifice you feel impelled to make.

In any case, this card does bring a strong dose of higher, spiritual love into our lives and will encourage us to do things from a higher motive than usual.

This is your Long Range Card which is considered to be one of the most important influences of the year - a place where a lot of your attention will go.

Two of Hearts as Your Planetary Ruler
This is a card of the heart, and it is called the 'Lovers Card'. Therefore, we know that relationships are extremely important to you, especially those of a more intimate nature. This card gives you a pleasing personality, one that others find soothing and attractive. It also makes you an eternally curious person who loves to learn new things and read new books. But more than anything else, you are on a search for the perfect love partner. You have high standards for love and are probably attracted to those with whom you have shared past lives. Only the highest form of love will truly satisfy you. It must be eternal and mystical. But, until you find that perfect love, you will usually make sure there is someone in your life that you can love. Love is very important to you.

Nine of Clubs: The Card of Universal Knowledge & The Giver of Knowledge
Though this is a card of expanded consciousness, it is also a card of negative thinking. These people must let go of many negative mental patterns accumulated from past lives if they are to access the inherent power in this card. There are many who do and who have reached the very heights of recognition. This is a card of sexual enjoyment and pleasure seeking. If this is allowed to dominate, much time and energy is wasted that would otherwise elevate them to great accomplishment. The Nine of Clubs is here to end a major cycle in their soul's development, a completion that should see them giving their wealth of knowledge to the world. There are some debts to be paid, especially to the Six of Diamonds and Queen of Hearts, but once these debts are paid, they can proceed with their cosmic task of enlightening the world. Financially they are always assisted by diamond men and they do well in their own business if they don't let it spoil their spiritual values. They cannot be totally materialistic or mercenary.

Your Karma Cards are the:

Queen of Hearts - You owe something to this person and they reflect you in some way.

Six of Diamonds - This person owes you and you are their mirror in some way.

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