Pics of Winnie and Shasta (rip)

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Update: Pups

What am I doing?: blogging


I already confirm that my family adopted two new puppies, Willow and Chanel. They already gotten their shots and started and ended their "periods", and thankfully we no longer have a male dog. When we got Winnie, it only took her first 6 months for her to get "mauled to death" ( a sigh of relieve, no puppies). That was a 9 years back, and Poor Shasta has passed away since then leaving no pups of his own, though Dad kind of regrets it a little. The family, kind of on the fence about that one, even though we did bought Winnie for Shasta to procreate. Countless of times my underpants had to be use as a doggie diaper for him; ended when the family was tired of keeping them apart ( and the constant scratching at the kennel), was it time to get Win fix.
Willie (much to my sisters displeasure of her hearing that little nickname I give Willow) and "Poutie Lips" (Chanel), because her bottom lip sticks out too much, are leash training. Two red harnesses and a 6 feet rope to hold on to, these pups were reluctant to go at first, as expected, are now pros. Winnie, in her old age, waddles slowly, but still manages to get ahead when the pup want to take in the fresh smells the other dogs left behind.
They still like to take things out of the garbage and try to swallow them as fast as they can. Willow being the main one to watch out for, likes to chew and swallow Q-tips and hair clamps. Chanel has her own little quarkieness about her too. She insists on shoving her play toy under the couch and then digs for them. Turns out that their parents were big on digging too. The occasional mud bath routine whenever it rains, is genetic for both parties.

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