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11:09 Psychosis
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more of the same.

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And now for something different:

1. Would you bang your neighbor? bang bang on the door, maybe.

2. What describes your relationship status? Whether you are in a relationship, and what that relationship entails.

3. Where are you? Existentially, I am everywhere. Physically, I am right here.

4. What's the last movie you've seen in the theater? Bee Movie.

5. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand: tried to break my fingers and I had to scream until he stopped.

6. What is your favorite animal? a penguin...or a whole bunch of penguins.

7. Who have you talked to most today? Myself.

8. Do you carve pumpkins every year? No. I always have high hopes, though.

9. Color of your underwear? Black.

10. Color of your shirt? gris

11. I'm always: on the go, and won't go slow so's not to focus.

12. Who's on speed dial 2? 4? 6? speed dial?

13. Honestly, how many people do you have feelings for? I have different feelings for everyone I know.

14. What are your favorite seasons? Christmas and Deer.

15. Good advice if you ever go camping? bring a can of Off. It's always more fun to kill insects in their natural environment.

16. Are you a bad influence? To what?

18. Rather have your name or your sibling's name? I think I would have made a good Jason.

19. Would you do anything for someone else? Could you be a little more specific?

20. Have you ever been called a bitch? No. Never. Ever.

21. Best Friend?(s) JC

22. What is your ring tone? ringing tone 3

23. What song is on? song?

24. Are your grades good? grade A meat all the way, baby.

25. Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out? I think it likely makes me the next target of a terrorist attack.

26. Does your best friend have a myspace? JC's got more friends than Tila Tequila.

27. Whose page did you visit last? The Ikea Catalog.

28. Last time you went out to lunch? recently.

30. Who is your favorite character from Friends? Monica and Ross' dad.

31. Do you have a tattoo? No, I don't have a tattoo, I have 3 tattoos.

32. Do you want one? One what?

33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears CD? Only every album, plus b-sides and rarities, along with every live, Christmas, Best of, and compilation album.

34. What did you do last night? Tried to ride a ferris wheel and ate Vietnamese food.

35. Are you a Lost fanatic? I enjoy the show, but I don't go crazy with it.

36. What's your name spelled backwards? ruoy eman.

37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library? no, I have books in my library.

38.iPod or Zune? iPod. iPod.

39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly? occasionally.

40. King of the Hill? Queen.

41. Do you read trashy romance novels often? Only if it was written by Anais Nin.

42. What's the last thing you bought? a frosty mint mocha.

43. What's the last thing someone bought you? a crock pot.

44. Do you ever sing obnoxiously in the shower? Outside of the shower, as well.

45. What's in your CD player right now? a cd.

46. What's your favorite movie? Cries and Whispers (I watched it for months)

47. Another favorite movie? Worst.Question.Ever.

48. Do you believe everyone has a soul mate? I believe everyone has soul glow.

49. Can you sing? I can't and I do.

50. Do you play any instruments? Oh, but I wish...

51. Have you ever been to another country? Mexico and England.

53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization? Sadly, no.

54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa? I live in (the) South America. (wokawokawoka)

55. Do you know how to knit? No.

56. Do you have a job? Gal Friday.

57. Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them on myspace? I guess that's why they call it the blues.

58. What are you doing right now besides this survey? breathing and blinking.

60. Baskin Robbins or Coldstone? for what?

61. Physics or chemistry? I don't believe in either.

62. Facebook or Myspace? Netflix.

64. R-rated or G-rated movies? NC-17.

65. Walk or Run? Walk. My hip hurts.

66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars? Star Wars.

67. Fly or road trip? It depends on the destination and whether or not there are jet packs involved.

68. Batman, Spiderman, or Superman? Gingerman.

69. What's your favorite Disney movie? Disney makes movies?!?!

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