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All Abuzz

The time has come, I think, to stop spending money on myself for things I don't need. But before I made that decision (at about midnight on New Year's Eve, so you can already tell how strong a decision it was), I ordered for myself, on the recommendation of absolutely no one except a bunch of anonymous Internet posters, a Keurig one-cup coffeemaker.

Yes, I know all the reasons I shouldn't have done that. I know about the acid and caffeine in coffee that do terrible things to a person's body. I know that it's an expensive way to do something that people have been doing on stovetops for generations. But I did it anyway. So, go ahead. Fire away.

Anyway, it arrived today, and I already love it beyond all reason. The first cup of coffee I made with it was better than any other coffee I've ever brewed in my life, no matter what the method. It's a good thing I stocked up on decaf K-cups before the machine got here, because the samples that came with it didn't include much decaf, which is what I drink in the afternoons. It also makes tea, apple cider and hot chocolate, and it can be used for iced tea and more.

Fast? It took four minutes to set up and one minute to brew my first cup. Easy? Anybody can operate it. Obviously, if I can. And I walked through the coffee aisle at the supermarket earlier this week and found dozens of different kinds of K-cups in all sorts of roasts, flavors and types. (Okay, I'm finished sounding like a commercial now.)
This is probably the end of my self-indulgent spending spree for a while. I have to save my money for actual necessities. For example, I need a new iron. Sexy, eh?

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