Silly Thinking

*with Jim Farris*

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Today is the 4oth anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech. The speech, given on the steps of the Lincoln monument, was an inspiring statement on the possibilities and the hopes of the future given by an impassioned eloquent speaker who raised the hopes and aspirations of a generation.
He was assisnated soon thereafter as he more or less perdicted on that day while speaking in Washington D.C.
Robert Kennedy was due to speak in a poor nieghborhood the night of Dr. King's murder,
Kennedy delivered the announcemnt to the crowd and made a riveting off the cuff speech praying for calm against the violent storm. Kennedy was murdered two months later while running for President leaving the tattered Democratic party, not to Eugene McCarthy, but to bland centerist Hubert Humphrey who was nominated during the bloodiest political convention ever and went on to loose to Richard Nixon.
In the forty years to follow we have de-evolved to George W. Bush, Al Gore, Howard Dean, Ralph Nader, Jesse Jackson et. al. Maybe one of these people have a dream but with the carefully crafted lousy speeches (and lack of vision past personal power) which are written by collections of staffers and experts we will never know what thier dreams really are.
It goes without saying (but I will anyway) the worst of these is W. In under three years he and his cabal that stole the Executive branch of the government have destroyed any sense of hope for the future by making us into a warring people who shoot and kill anybody we want to and don't bother to ask questions later. He is trying to destroy the enviornment as he has killed personal freedoms, international diplomacy, and what was left of fair and balanced elections. On top of all that he can't articulate a sentence to tell us his lies. His popularity is still over 50% in every poll.
Can anyone under forty imagine this country with an articulate vision of compassion and peace for the future?

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