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*with Jim Farris*

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remember elections?
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Hi everyone. I'm Jim Farris filling in for Douglas Lain here on "Silly Thinking with Douglas Lain now Union Made" while Doug's on assignment.

Remember the debacle of an election back in 2000? Sure you do. Gore won but Bush cheated and stole the country. It all came down to Florida and punch card ballots, Cruella DeVille, and Bush's own brother bieng the governor, then the supreme court made a ruling that recounting the votes in an election was illegal. Remember?

Well flash forward to Crazyfornia where today the 9th circuit court officialy put the recall election on hold. That's right three weeks before the whole mess would end the court said no. It's wrong. Why?

Punch card ballots.

The very same ballots that brought us George W. Bush are now illegal in California (and most every state in the union) but some counties still use them anyway (small places like Orange and L.A.) The court said the state must delay the election because aprox. 40,000 voters would not have their votes counted. Then the court delayed the delay so Republicans can fight the decision.Republicans are appalled that a federal court would intervene in an election so they want to take it to the Supreme court, which they can do but, the Supremes are on tour until Oct. 7th (which is the day of the California recall.) A rep. for the Supremes said that Cal. Republicans can appeal before that date, I don't know how though. Got all that?

Arnold Schwartzengeer was in Chicago taping an "Oprah" show with his wife (where he said.. this is true... he had sex with several women at a time and smoked maryjane for publicity purposes only) when he heard the news of the court's decision. He said the court is interfering in the people's right to a free and honest election.

Now the irony of Republicans wanting a free and honest election is obvious. What is unsettling is that we're is less than two years from another national election and the governments can't seem to run an election that ain't crooked or disputed in court. The United States and all of it's lil states are admitting that they can't run an honest election. Punch card ballots have been around for almost a century and now we know that some 40,000 votes can't be counted in California?

I mean running elections is one of the governments core businesses. This would be like the auto industry admitting they can't make a car worth beans or the TV networks fessing up that thier shows are crap or... Uhmm? Uhh... never mind.

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