Silly Thinking

*with Jim Farris*

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The Penguin, Mammoth, and Monkey Show
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Hello everyone. I can see that there are a lot of people here today. And everyone eats candy, because it's Christmas. Emma ate a candy cane, and then she threw it, and I got it. So it's my candy now. I want it to be snowing, and it is snowing. Whoever likes snow please raise your hand. I like snow. And Ben and Emma like snow. Oh, what a day. Oh, what a day. Oh, what a day.

Hello. What is that Penguin doing?
Oh. Hi, Penguin.


I happen to love snow as well. I love snow because I'm a mammoth.

I love snow because I'm a Penguin. And Penguins love snow because they're Penguins. Am I wrong or am I right?

You're probably right, but I don't know because I'm not a penguin. So, uh...penguin?


How are you today?

I'm fine.
Mr. Mammoth, I want to tell you that I live on the bottom of the Earth. Did you know that? Oh, and could you watch where you step, because you're so big and you might step on me. Oh, and I want you to know that I have a candy cane, and Mammoth I can see that there are lots of people over there, and I have a candy cane, and, uh...will you move away from me because you're scaring me to death.

I'm sorry, but I can't help how big I am. I'll try not to step on you.

Can I spin around and around in a circle? Boing. Boing. Boing.

I just want to say that, sure, you can do that. You may.

I want you to know that I'm on a ship sailing in the sea. In my mind. Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Penguin. Penguin. Penguin. Life is but a dream.
Penguin is a winged one.
Even though I can't fly, I can fly. Oh what a day, oh what a day, oh what a day.

Look. There is a monkey!

Oh, hello. I'm on a leash. And I want to row the boat with the Penguin. Oh, but I wish it was sunny.

I like the snow. Oh what a day. Oh. Oh. Oh. Is that sillly enough? I'm actually pretty stressed out by that Penguin. She's basically crazy. Can't you see why I'm stressed out?

Oh. Oh! I want to fly too! I have to warn you that I'm a moneky. I want a stick with bark and I could climb on it. Trees are my favorite. Ho, ho, ho. I live on a tree. I wish I could go. I'm all chained up, so I'm not able to go. I see a monster. My stick. Where is my stick?!

I'm just a mammoth, not a monster.

Oh, Missus Monkey, I want you to know that that mammoth could squash us flat. Watch out monkey!


Can I have some of that candy cane?

No! You can't have any! It's mine! Oh, oh, oh!

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