A Bit of Randomness

Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. --Diane Arbus
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Surging Hormones

I'm really just about done with this whole hormone thing (although my also pregnant co-worker assures me I'm not). It's just getting way out of hand.

Two nights ago I had a horrendous dream. Now, I'm used to strange dreams. But this was waaaaay beyond. I'm still not even sure what it means. And I'm not posting it because A)no one cares about other peoples dreams and B)it's really too horrible for me to talk about. Regardless, it's disturbing me several days later.

And then last night a *very* simple misunderstanding with my father sent me into a major crying jag. Why? BECAUSE I'M PREGNANT. Yes, the whole thing got worked out but it's still embarassing.

Then today, I decided that my husband, my good friend J- and two of my coworkers were upset with me. I haven't yet figured out a reason why, just that I "know" they are.

And when I sent an email that was a serious request for help, I got lots of smartass answers back. And yes, I should know on some level to expect that. And probably under any other circumstances I would have found some of the answers funny. But not today. Today, I was really pissed off that I got summarily dismissed (yeah, it was in my head. But then, this is a post about my raging hormones.) I didn't even feel like responding to the responses. The thing is, my job - which I happen to really really like - is doing some really cool morale booster things next week. And for a small part of the time, I need help with my attire for certain theme days. And all I got back in response was bull****.

I know things will get better. I just am having the hardest damn time dealing with this until then. I can see and hear myself (over)reacting to things and I can't seem to stop it. It's like I'm watching a movie and yelling and screaming at the protagonist to get a clue. But she never does.

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