A Bit of Randomness

Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. --Diane Arbus
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For Tomorrow I...um...Travel

Today's new paranoid fear is that I will not be allowed to get on the plane with the pump cause the "authorities" will think it's some sort of a bomb. So add that to the I-Won't-Be-Able-to-Board-With-Breast-Milk and My-Milk-Supply-Will-Dry-Up-Completely and Dylan-Will-Refuse-to-Nurse paranoias that I currently have running.

Mind you, these aren't the only ones. Just the most intrusive. And the ones that I will allow myself to voice. Some of the others are way to big and scary to allow myself to contemplate for too long.


Eric got his nifty Help-Me-Breathe-and-Not-Snore-or-Die-in-the-Night" apparatus (also known as a bipap machine). It's very very freaky looking. However, it does provide a bit of white noise and there was *no* snoring at all. No snoring. None. I slept in my own bed. All night. Without elbowing my husband. Now, whether it actually helped Eric is a whole other issue. But as he had some things on his mind last night, he didn't sleep very well anyway. So it's going to take a few days but I think it'll be a very happy thing all around.


I got new glasses yesterday. Talk about feeling old - they're bifocals. Apparantly, more and more people my age are getting them for the exact same reasons that I did - the stupid computer I stare at a billion hours a day. Today has been quite the experience in trying to learn how to move my head and not my eyes, figuring out where in the lens to look through to focus properly on what I need to see, figuring out how the hell to keep them from sliding down my nose like every other damn pair I've ever worn...

I'm getting the hang of it, slowly but surely. But the slight off kilte feeling and the minor headache are not my friends.


It's really quite pathetic what a sense of accomplishment I got from figuring out how to print 15 sheets of mailing labels from our new printer.


It's also pathetic how me and the guy who made the comment were the only two people in a large group who knew what a spliff was/is. But that's only cause I'm so well read. :^)


Anyone out there not realizing that I'm killing time and avoiding work cause virtually our entire company has already left on this trip???


I better go do something productive otherwise it's going to be bad when I get back...

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