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Rainy Day Reading
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We're getting a soaking rain and about time. From the office window I can admire the drops bouncing harmlessly off the glistening, new tarry patches I slapped on the porch roof two days ago. Quite the accomplishment. Brushing on sealant is about the limit of my handyman abilities.

I prefer working with words. You don't need to climb a ladder to remove a dangling participle. Paragraphs that need shifting are never rusted in place.

Speaking of working with words -- OK, the coffee pot just broke...I can't wake up enough to segue -- anyway, Dave Burton has released issue eleven of his pdf zine Catchpenny Gazette which contains my column of mixed and matched (by Dave) entries from this blog.

More interestingly to anyone who enjoys some of my entries here, there's a lot of other excellent fanwriting -- rather similar to my own writing because sf fandom is where I learned to write.

Dave talks about what's going on his life. There are essays dealing, mostly humorously, with watching a solar eclipse, teen romance magazines, and an article about an article in the 1970s sf magazine Galileo (the brain controlling computers). Think of it as a collection of blogs. In pdf form. Yeah, those sf fans are crazy.

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