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I feel cranky. I'm not even sure why I feel cranky, as nothing is particularly wrong. I've had an excellent week, overall. I have a wonderful boyfriend who's a total sweetie, I have fantastic friends, and I have a great new computer game (Age of Empires, and I got the expansion pack, too).

I guess there's just no pleasing everyone, all of the time.

Anyway, I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated, I've had a busy week. To try to catch up a little bit in order, Sean and I did not, in fact, go to Pug's last Friday. He was tired from work, and a friend of his was in from out of town. We did still go to the All Mighty Senators show, which was fun, and we wound up going to Pug's on Monday.

Saturday my friend Dan came into town for the WVU v. Maryland game. (Yep yep, it was a sad day in Muddville, try not to rub it in. If we lose to Rutgers today I'll be extra sad.) So I went down to the Mick bar that night with him (and Ginnie and Michael, who came with him) after going out to have dinner with my mom...

Sunday was an odd day. I had to work at the computer lab, which I did from 2 to 9:30. And then I realized that it had been a long time since I'd been for a drive. I used to go driving a lot, say twice a week, just picking a road I'd never taken before and going. I've explored a lot of the strange back roads in a 30 mile or so radius (which means around Morgantown, bits of Maryland, and bits of Pennsylvania.) You see some neat stuff sometimes, a lot of beautiful views, and it gives me time to sing along with the music and unwind (I like to drive).

So since Sean was going to a bachelor party, and I wasn't planning on being down at Pleasant Street (123 Pleasant Street, awesome local bar and music venue, pka the 'binghi, the dryhouse, etc.) until about 11, I decided "Why not?" I picked a road I'd already explored once, and went for about an hour long drive. It wasn't as relaxing as it used to be--I wound up wondering if I had taken a wrong turn somewhere, since things seemed to take longer than I remembered, and in the dark the trees seemed creepy, and the road kept narrowing in strange ways, and I nearly hit a deer (sigh). So I came down to Pleasant Street just wanting to relax...

And discovered that by taking my drive I had missed a pretty ugly little fight. Jesse and Nathan (the bouncers, and very old friends of mine) both sported blackening eyes, and someone had kicked Amber (lovely, blonde, very feminine bartender, tough) in the stomach, and the cops had been there twice. (Yes, from what I understand this was a definite case of "you should have seen the other guy." The cretins responsible for this mess wound up in pretty bad shape.)

Strange, isn't it, that the one night there's a fight down at the bar on a quiet Sunday night, I get a wild hare to go driving off into the wild blue yonder? I don't think I should have been there, or I would have been, but I do hate thinking my friends were getting hurt and I wasn't around to help.

Maybe that's why the drive wasn't so relaxing. Who knows?

Sean wound up showing up there about the same time I did, which was a surprise, since I hadn't expected to see him. So we stayed there a while, then went down to McClafferty's, and then went home.

Monday we did go to dinner at Puglioni's, which was nice. We each got calzones, which are so huge they make two and sometimes three meals, which is one of the nice things about eating at Pug's, and we wound up getting tira misu for desert (mmmmmm...) A lovely time was had by all. It was funny, though, because Ivy and I used to go there to eat a lot, and the waitresses kept asking me where french fry salad girl was (grin)

On Tuesday Ivy and I did go out, though not to Pug's. It was really chilly, and neither one of us were really hungry but we both wanted soup (which really sounds good to me right now, too). So we went to the Tea Garden, and I got gunpowder green tea and a bowl of mushroom soup (very very tasty) and Ivy got peppermint tea and a very yummy black bean soup.

The rest of the week was fun, I saw Sean and Mary, and last night I got to see Mike and Amy, who hadn't been out in a while (Amy's been sick). Wheaton caught and ate a big spider on Thursday, and I told him he was a good kitty. Thursday night Sean and I stayed in and played computer games, and watched tv and curled up, which was particularly lovely.

And for now that's all there is. See? No cause to be cranky.


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