Ink Blot #267 This Week

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Has just been pretty exhausting to the point where I don't need my sleeping pills.

Which is also the other reason I've been pretty much dead to the interwebz with the exception of checkin my emails and facebook. And because I'm so tired I wake up later than I usually do and end up zombie shuffling through stuff and completely don't have time to blog.

Anyways other than being exhausted like you wouldn't believe.

Two really weird things happened to me.

The first was Tuesday night a friend of mine gave me a ride from campus to the trolley station (I've known him a little over 9 wks) so he told the class yesterday that he was late because after he dropped me off his truck started shaking and one of the coils completely came out of his truck. (when the only previous problem was the engine needing to be replaced)

The other thing happened last night. I had been watching Tristan & Isolde while I was eating my breakfast. I got a little behind and didn't close my laptop as I walked out the door to get to school.

I came home last night after unlocking the door to find my laptop was closed.

My room door is locked and I have both keys on my keyring. It couldn't have been opened through the window because the window has a latch you have to squeeze as you pull the window open (if its closed all the way which it is)

So yeh. I'm pretty sure its the shadow man that's apparently been missing me when I leave for the summer.

The last two times I went out to PA with Owner, mum's been up at night (mostly because the pain of her leg hurts her too much) so around 2-3 am she'll be on the house computer on craigslist and will see a shadow figure in the kitchen or the hallway heading either into the hallway or into the kitchen and its always a male figure and has a male voice and its always whispering my name.

So I think that "he" knows that after this summer I'll be leaving and not coming back and I think he wants me to stay.

For those of you just getting into my blog, my family is very sensitive to paranormal things. Especially my mum, myself and the youngest of my brothers.

For mum it's seeing and hearing the shadow people and having some predictions about the future. But not so much now after having dealt with viral meningitis and almost dying because of simple doctor mistakes.

The youngest brother only has had two major encounters (I guess I don't really know what I'd call it) one at Rohr Park (it's actually the half way point between the house and my college) where he "saw" the visual of our long dead grandpa on my dad's side Papa Meño (and note that I was 12 when Papa Meño died and the only picture Chip, the youngest has seen is this one with Mami (our dead grandma on dad's side too) in mum's china cabinet in the kitchen)

The second encounter was with Hoopla the second youngest in the play play (the first living room that we converted to a play room for them). Mum has a giant picture of herself (I can't be sure if it was right after she got married or right before but it's old lol) and it's on the mantle of the fireplace and BOTH boys ran screaming from the room to mum's room crying (like tears and mokos crying) to mum that the picture of her followed them with its eyes.

As for myself there's way too much to explain but in a nutshell I can predict future stuff and past stuff of people I've just met. I can see the shadow people (lots of them pretty much everywhere now not just at home) and rarely do I hear them actually talk to me. Mostly that's just hearing my name being called especially really late/early in the morning when everyone is asleep or NOT home.

I'm also starting to think I might be a hybrid instead of just sanguine. I've noticed that usually when people touch me (like on the bus or trolley or at school and pretty much everywhere) I get a small dose of energy and I seem to mimic their emotions.

I was on the bus the other day and I was sitting listening to my music minding my own business when this drunk woman starts trying to talk to me, I of course try to ignore her since I was in a pretty good mood and then she taps me on the knee and almost instantly I started feeling sick to my stomach and my head was throbbing.

Bleh. I dont know what I'm talking about. I've repressed my vampire, fur, inner little way too much that it's all blending together and screaming we want out mother fucker!

I think I'm just way too overloaded with emotions that I don't know what to do any more and I'm always feeling pretty shitty unless I webchat with Owner (teeehee the special kinda webchats Hurrhurr /shot) or I have a taste of blood (either my own from unknown cuts or from meat).

Either that or I'm just over thinking all this shit and I'm just a fuckin normal retard who wants to think she's something she's not. /end rant.

Anywhoo I might not blog tomorrow but I definitely will on Saturday.

Until then my deviously deviant lovelies.

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