Ink Blot # 271 Pretty Much Dead On Computer

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Wow. It's been ages since I last blogged.

Where I left off was a few days before my birthday.

So my sister was in the hospital for a little over a week with a staph infection and shingles in her eye. For those of you who don't know what shingles are it's an adult form of the chicken pox. So pretty much anyone who's had chicken pox before age one is more likely to have shingles. It's brought on by a lot of different things and for my sister it seemed to have been stress.

Anyways to make a long story short, I pretty much went to the DMV to renew my ID, then I went to Toys R Us with my mum, Hoopla and Chip. They got some Lego mini figures and I got two plush Scar thingies. One of them was really really tiny and the other one was a small but good sized one. Then we had to get milk and some other stuff and a shit ton of candy for my sister (which was pretty fucked up that she asked for it all on my birthday instead of the day before or the day after) and then we dropped off the perishable food and then we had lunch at the Rady's Children Hospital cafeteria. Peeked in to say hi to my sister, came back home where I spent the rest of the day watching my little brothers while mum went back to the hospital and fat ass didn't do shit to help and my brother like always wasn't home.

After that I was really depressed because I really wanted to just have the day to myself with my mom kinda like a mommy and me day but of course bad shit always has to befall me.

Then on top of that a lot of my friends forgot my birthday completely and half of them didn't even bother to wish me a happy birthday. So that made it even worse.

And after all that I've just been really really busy with school and trying not to let myself get way to depressed. Being exhausted is no fun especially when I'm pretty much on my feet for more than 5 hours 4 days out of the week. Even more so since I've never done that before.

On a side note aside from a shitty birthday, horrible hours at school and being exhausted, I've really been trying to get out of this bout of writer's block I've been having.

I don't know how to explain it but I'll get an idea for something and I'll actually start writing and then I take a break (or I start class) and later on the bus or the next day to class, while I'm waiting for class and on the bus I have no inspiration, no desire to write. And it really bugs me because later as I'm falling asleep I'll get ideas to write and by then I'm too tired or I just don't want the light of my laptop (or Ipoot) to break the darkness in my room.


Also nothing really out of the ordinary has happened. Well unless you count me and a friend who is currently in Hawaii both did laundry at the same time and both our clothes were still damp.

Oh yeah but my phone has been going into airplane mode all by itself and its more annoying than anything.

I guess with all the excitement of this semester has pretty much dulled my "sensitivity" to things.

Also since I found out financial aid will not be paying for summer classes I get pretty much the summer off which is what I wanted, so I'll get to spend a lot more time with Steph (after finals of course) and not deal with keeping up a farce of going to classes.

I also will need that time to get my room organized and clear it up and decided what I want (or will most likely be able to take with me) and what needs to go into storage when I leave. But that won't be til after finals as well since I have this week, next week and finals week.

Anyways I think that's it for today. I dunno when the next update will happen.

Doubt any one really cares about this shit lol.

Now playing: Eluveitie - Brictom
posted with FoxyTunes

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