Ink Blot #273 Thoughts on Stuff

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So I haven't really written anything since my last blog.

I'm starting to really struggle with myself because bits and pieces of myself have been coming into light and right now I can't handle it right now.

Right now I'm in a family that treasures normality. Even having my snake bites is considered "not normal". I've been able to hide most of my deviant nature and my general abnormal-ness but as of late, like I said bits and pieces are coming through my almost perfect facade and now I can't handle it.

I don't know what to really do because I've never had to deal with having to suppress what I already have suppressed to no end.

I dunno maybe like always I'm over analyzing shit and just need to calm the fuck down. Bleh.


My grades for the semester were:

A-Basic Skills
A-Pastry Design
C-Cultural Foods

and a GPA Of 3.2

So that was good. Makes me proud of myself for doing the best I could.

Which reminds me a few nights ago I made some chili that was based on a copy cat recipe for Wendy's Chili and I tuna-fied it and man was it fucking delicious!

The recipe was only for one serving so me and Mum doubled it and only gave us half a pot so next time we make it we have to quadruple it because it was gone in a few hours of it being made and I barely got a taste of my chili. But what I did manage to taste was fucking delicious!

Don't worry I'll write down the recipe later and share with all you deviant lovelies. (Though I didn't follow the recipe so everything will be in pinches or to taste)

I'm actually growing a bit confident with my cooking skills so that when I'm finally living with Owner I can help his mom and dad cook and that'll be awesome. I also talked to Owner about starting our own Organic garden (more for me since he's not big on veggies and fruit) and just because I feel it'd help round me out and keep me busy while he's at work.

I also want to start baking a lot more as well. Not so much cakes but pastries like cream puffs, puff pastries like the ones I have on my G+ and Facebook albums. I've even gotten requests from Owner's dad and some of his friends for birthday cakes when I get out there. So that's gonna be tons of fun.

Which reminds me, Owner's got of a lot of fun stuff for us to do this summer. Which is mainly comprised of swimming either at the YMCA, the creek or if we're lucky at Kevin's sister's house in her pool. Then will be ghost hunting (on Owner's days off), he and some of his friends will also be helping me with my writing (as my personal editors and helpers), also plan on catching up with Doctor Who, watching Buffy (the entire series because there's a few episodes I've missed), Angel, Supernatural, and a few other shows I can't remember off the top of my head. Then of course Owner wants to have a "Nic Cage Movie Night" where we watch all of Nic Cage's horrible movies.

Then we have a huge surprise for the world which will be unveiled soon. So keep a close eye on my blogs because I'll be giving out hints and the like once I'm out in PA. Also be ready for twitter, facebook and Tumblr, and maybe even a G+ page for it. But right now it's a hush hush because we don't want anyone stealing our idea before we have ours finalized. It's in the production stages. :3

Aside from that thing's have been getting more tense here at home. It's getting so bad that I've actually taken to locking myself in my room with only my laptop and cell phone to help me communicate with the outside world. Yeh its that bad but I really don't feel like talking about it.

I've also noticed that since I've come off my birth control I've been a lot more squeamish to somethings that used to not bother me. It bugs me. I've also started to act a lot more girly too. Such as wanting to host dinner parties, tea parties, and little things and blah blah. I dunno it bugs me because I used to be more or less a tom boy. I never had any reason to learn how to cook, bake, or host little parties where everyone had to be on their best behavior and little bullshit things like that. And now that's pretty much how I am and its like EW ITS NOT ME!!! But yeh. There's really not much I can do about it so I might as well embrace it.

I can't wait til Friday. Moose is gonna tuna-nap me again. We still gotta work out time and stuff especially since her parents truck has been breaking down a lot and we have to stay relatively close in case the truck does break down.

Anyways I think that's about it for now. Dunno the next time I'll feel like blogging but please keep an eye out if not you can always follow:

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