Still (sur)Rendering

All great truths begin as blasphemies.
George Bernard Shaw
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There is nothing to read here. The content is over there, to your right.

I may, however, at some point, put something here. Some day. Eventually. No pressure.

be vewy vewy quiet x3

Wake up John-Boy.. if I ain't sleepin' then neither is you.

Darwinian Poetry. heh. Tres cool.

Darwin in a Box. The perfect gift, you think? Tres cool aussi.

Ok, over. Not going to mutter another word about the move until I have actually, physically relocated 450 km north. Then I shall declare it "DONE!". And so it shall be. yeah.


What's new?

From What Turns Men On by Brigitte Nioche:
Chapter 4: Keeping a Man Through the Power of Sex.
...So the secret of using one's sexual powers lies in keeping the sperm count high - high enough to make your man love and adore you, to convince him through your love making that he will never need anyone else but you. And the way to do this is to know and satisfy his sexual needs.

...The following suggestions might be helpful for anyone who doesn't know how to verbalize admiration for a lover. They are all answers to the survey question: What kind of remarks will make you feel more aroused?

- "I'd sure like you to carry me off to bed"
- "Oh, I just love your hairy chest, and you have a cute behind, too-let's undress."
- "Whatever you're doing, don't stop."
- "You really know how to make love to a woman."
- "I love your body, you have a beautiful penis."

Hm. I don't even know where to begin with this. My initial reaction is 'ridiculous'. Actually, that's also my second, third and fourth reaction, too. But still. I am not a man, so I can't speak for whether or not that stuff really works. Sounds like a bad porn script.. waitaminute.. ahh, ok. Makes sense now.

I just want it on record that saying "Let's have sex" has never failed me.

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