Musings and Meanderings By John Allen Small

Re: State Of The Union Address
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I've been reading some of the negative responses to President Obama's State of the Union address last night and wondering if these people heard the same speech that I did. A good example is Sen. Jon Kyl, the Republican whip, who during an interview with NPR dismissed the president's address as a "political tirade" and accused Obama of not taking responsibility for poor state of the economy - an economy that got screwed up in the first place because Obama's predecessor turned a budget surplus of over $200 billion into a deficit of over $1 trillion (with projected deficits of $8 trillion over the next 10 years).

Kyl bellyached that Obama is still complaining about the Bush Administration. Well, I've got news for you, Mr. Kyl - it WAS the Bush Administration's fault and the sooner you GOP do-nothings own up to that the better!

The real problem facing our country right now, as I see it, isn't Obama. It is us. We want all of our problems fixed yesterday, and are unwilling to show the patience needed to get the job done right. The problems that face this country didn't happen overnight; they won't be fixed overnight. Obama understands that; he's been saying it all along.

Here's what I think: If the GOPs would stop throwing their hissy fits and erect roadblocks just because they can, and if more Democrats would show more concern for doing the right thing rather than getting their poll numbers above a certain level, AND if people would stop accepting all the idiocy spouted by the know-nothings on Faux News as gospel (believe me, nothing could be further from the truth), we might actually get something positive accomplished in this country. Until then, things are not going to get better no matter who is in charge. I for one have not lost the conviction I had during the 2008 campaign that Obama represents the best hope for a better tomorrow; now it's time for us to let him do the job he was elected to do and for Congress to work together to help him make it happen.

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