Eye of the Chicken
A journal of Harbin, China

rollin' with the punches
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Well, I'm less tired than yesterday, but still pretty whacked out.

Here's a small sample of why I've gotten so tired so quickly: [1] My classroom key doesn't open the computer classroom I'm teaching in, so I had to request another key, which hasn't gotten here yet. [2] I just got an email message from a student saying she tried to call me but I didn't have voicemail; turns out you have to request voicemail; it doesn't get set up automatically. [3] I requested voicemail and was approved, but now I don't know how to configure it or answer it, and I didn't even get an M to RTF. [4] Some of my students' login names and passwords weren't working and I had no idea what to do about that - luckily, other students knew. [5] The bookstore screwed up the textbook order for my fy writing class, and half the class doesn't have the book. [6] Several people have informed me that payday is next week, so they won't have books before then. [7] I got a parking ticket. Decided to park close yesterday, as I had a lot to carry, and it was very early and I knew there would be available spots . . . but I miscalculated on the meter; thought I had four hours but only had three.

Anyway, it all adds up to silly logistics that I wasn't prepared for, although I should have anticipated things would be like this - it always takes a while to learn the new routines and such. But I have to say, some things - like, the fact that you have to add value to your ID card before you can use it for parking, or the phone setup - ought to have been spelled out for me. Heck, even the procedure for people who are having trouble with their login names ought to have been provided beforehand . . .

So it's been a series of little bumps. The only familiar and comforting part is the teaching; I'd forgotten how much I enjoy being in front of a class. And so far, at least, I really like these people! I know there will be other bumps later on - but at least at the moment, they seem refreshingly without pretense. I'm reminded that I, too, am among the first generation in my family to receive a college education, and I'm acutely aware of how different that is from growing up in a family where a college education was a given.

Ah, well. Better get ready for the bizcomm class . . . more soon.


Addendum: Since writing that last bit, here's what else has happened: [a] I got two messages in my voicemail, which I didn't know how to check; I was asked for a password and had no idea how to find out what it was and/or set it. Frantic calls solved this problem. One of the voicemail messages was from a technician, telling me my voicemail was set up. [b] I misconfigured a discussion on Blackboard, mistakenly preventing students from being able to add new topics to it during class. 45 minutes and two calls to tech support later, a student figured out the problem. [c] I used the computer on wheels for my last class - very slick! - only I thought the Ethernet cable was plugged in and it wasn't, and I never could figure out how to use the projector.

I'm just whipped. Gonna hurry home and relax by the pool in the fading, glorious sunshine . . .

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