
Something less "ranty"
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This guy has been making me smile lately. I took this meme from his journal. It's in an old entry of his, but this is what happens when I have someone's online journal and free time. hehehe

The rules:

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me. [For my list, it's Steven's.]
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

I'm modifying Steven's:

1. I am pretty self-conscious in new or unusual social settings.
2. I find this kind of introspection difficult for some reason.
3. I cannot tap dance. Never could.
4. I tend to do small good deeds when I can.
5. I enjoy being rather flexible.
6. I love it when I get some free time, with absolutely no obligation other than sitting and being alone in my own thoughts.
7. I am something of a packrat, and this trait extends, I'm sorry to say, to my computer/ email program. This is why I still haven't gotten rid of my old computer after purchasing my new one.
8. I have yet to meet someone famous aside from a couple of minor political figures who need to be instructed in office etiquette (i.e. don't treat the assistants like crap, they can really cause you a lot of damage if they so choose).
9. I worry quite often that I will never find the person that is right for me. (edited to make it more general.)
10. I've never tried polyamory.
11. I have bad vision. (Very nearsighted. I have great night vision though.)
12. I am happier when I'm living with cats than when I'm not, even with all the litter box chores.
13. I really only enjoy doing housework at night.
14. I want great hair, without having to actually maintain it.
15. I was a physics major, and wish I'd had more literature classes.
16. I participated in theater in high school to get over my anxieties about public speaking. It seems to have worked, at least a little bit.
17. I wish I was fluent in another language. I almost was until I gave up my French studies in favor of physics. I should have stuck with French.
18. I have no idea what rBST is.
19. I had my wisdom teeth removed and now my TMJ is almost totally gone.
20. I like hot bubble baths.
21. I've only been to a handful of rock concerts.
22. Most of what I read is fiction; I am rarely without a book. (I read quite a bit of non-fiction as well, mostly science related.)
23. I think I look different in photographs than I do in the mirror.
24. I can sew. Well, not lately, but it's been known to happen. (I can knit too.)
25. When I find an author I love, I usually try to read every last thing they've written before I read anything by anyone else. This hasn't gone well for me as of late as I haven't found a writer I'm really attached to.
26. I can read faster than a lot of other people. (True, even though I know more than a few people who can read faster than me.)
27. I have little trouble managing money. The whole process fascinates me to the point that I'm actually looking forward to my CFP exams in a few years.
28. It's not very hard to convince me to leave on an adventure, but sometimes I wish I spent more time at home.
29. I probably watch too much television. Right now I do most of my TV watching through DVD's of series, because I'm addicted to story arcs and hate missing them or waiting a week for an installment.
30. I would enjoy a vacation to someplace warm. Preferably with sand and sunshine and mai tai's. I could even do without the mai tai's. Mostly I want sand and sun.
31. I love people watching.
32. I think I have changed a lot in just the past couple of years.(but not as much as I'd like to have changed)
33. I missed living in my hometown after five years living 30 minutes south on the corridor, but now I'm back again and I'm ready to leave. I need to go to a different state for awhile. That sounds like fun.
34. I miss my younger brother. He hasn't been the same since Dad died.
35. I wish I could sing more often. I wish I were competent with music to the point of not being afraid to sing in front of people.
36. I resent the fact that we have to eat regularly. (This would be less of a problem if I had a chef -- it's the planning of meals that really bugs me.) I especially hate that if I choose not to eat a particular meal, even if nothing sounds appetizing, my blood sugar crashes and I have days like that one Thursday in April.
37. I'm more scared of my own government than I am of outside terrorists.
38. I need more energy.
39. I love sleep.
40. I like having time to think.
41. I've lived in the same place most of time life. I'm ready to go exploring now.
42. I must read before I go to sleep. When I can't remember what I just read, I know it's time to turn off the light.
43. I wish I'd applied myself a bit more in college.
44. A good mug of hot cocoa might be nice.
45. I speak cat. Mrrrriaow!
46. I still eat ice cream sometimes, even though I'm not supposed to.
47. I am learning how to let it all go.
48. I love going camping and fishing and all that outdoorsy-type stuff and live in a good area to do so, but I don't know anyone who would go with me.
49. In general, I'm pretty horrible at correspondence.
50. I want to visit England.
51. I am addicted to reading.
52. I almost always get a tax refund.

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