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Um, can I get off this ride??
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Dear Isabella,

I'm not in a good mood. We got another "We went with a different candidate" e-mail from another company. I'm beginning to think that maybe we _should_ start that alpaca farm we keep talking about. :-P Although watching the opening ceremonies to the 2004 Olympic Summer Games is helping, and a long walk to the store and back has got me nice and loose. Hrm...that wasn't really a sentence, was it? I have been bad about journaling (as per usual), and a lot of stuff has been happening. I'm not really in the mood to go into everything in detail (it's a miracle I'm writing at all) so in the illustrious words of Inigo Montoya, "let me sum up."

- In May we (you and me, not Daddy) went to visit Grandma Ruth at her now house in Ft. Lauderdale. We went with Titi Maritza and Uncle Brian and cousins Eric and Allie. It was fun, bloody humid and really nice to see my Mommy.

- Scott was let go again from the strange job he had for two weeks. It was a relief, since we found out stuff that we should have asked about before Scott got hired. It just was not a match at all.

- In June, you turned 1! We had a great party for you even though you were overwhelmed by all the people, you didn't nap at all before hand, and you were obviously tired. I didn't get many "smily" pictures from you, but you didn't cry at all the whole time. Everyone participated in the Luau theme and it was a lot of fun.

- July - You had been walking between me and Daddy for a while, but you really took off by the end of the month. Scott started working for our friend Jason's parents' company Hippo Pools. I redid the website Jason did and will be working with him to fix up his logo, update the site and work on marketing materials. So far we haven't seen any money from the work we've done, but the whole process of pool sales and installations can take a while. Scott and Jason should be installing some waterfalls soon, so that should generate some money. It has been fun doing web design stuff's amazing how much you lose by not doing.

- So it's August. Charlotte came with her mum and Braeden for their SRF Convocation thing at the Bonaventure. You and Braeden were funny together at first. If one of you started crying, then the other would cry louder then the other would cry even louder then you both would be screaming. It was kinda funny, actually. :-) We're still working on Hippo Pools stuff, and still no money. :-( Commissions won't come in for another month probably, which will be quite nice. In the mean time, we are sooooooooooo broke. Not sure how we're going to make rent next month, but I have faith (strugglingly clinging to shreds of hope) that all will be okay. ::sigh:: It also seems that we won't have to move from this place. The guy who's buying the properties we live in (5 houses including the big white house) needs to keep renting these houses to help pay the mortgage. I don't have all the particulars, and I'm hoping this guy doesn't try to raise the rent. Well, we'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, I hope Scott gets a regular job soon. We both love having Daddy home, though.

Whoa...I just noticed the counter on my journal. Last time I was on it was around 900 - now it's over 2000??? Who's been reading this I wonder? I only know a few people who might read this. Must be a glitch...I can't imagine how I could be so popular.

Bella, you still only have 7 teeth. You've been acting like you're teething since, well, forever, but nothing new yet. You talk a lot. I don't know what you're saying, but you sure have a lot to say. You LOVE Veggie Tales and Baby Einstein videos, and when we sing Laurie Berkner songs to you.

Ugh...I'm tired and grumpy still. This is a lame entry, but eh, it's something. Love ya!

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