sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period.

i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!!
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live simply so that others may simply live

just a shout out!!!

so this is my first day off with not much to do in i don't know how long.

my tummy is still an off and on kinda thing, but better the last few days.

summer birthday party for katherine went well. we were only woken up once by a slamming door - girlies chasing each other ya know - and hubby got up (it was 3:30am) and told them to hold it down. they did, and fell asleep an hour or so later. it was so much fun just to see them giggling and being silly - as young girls should be.

had dad over for father's day and cooked out. i'm so lucky to have such a good daddy. he makes up for all the crap with my mom. (who spent 4.5 hours shopping the day of katherine's party. and this from a woman who said on the same night that she can barely get out of bed in the mornings - her legs are "just dead". yaright.)

i quit the florist so that i can clean houses full time. well, sort of full time. i'll prolly do one house a day or two if they're small. they might call me back for holiday stuff when they're busy, or put me on an "on call" list for when they need extra help, but really, why would i stand there all day to make $50 when i can work 4 or 5 hours and make a hundred???

i've had an ad in the paper for a week and gotten about 20 phone calls already, so i'd say things will work out fine.

we had another condo association meeting tuesday night and my hubby went this time. i told everyone at the end of the meeting that i was the one who had sent out the letter, and they quickly adjourned the meeting, just as i was getting ready to give em some more hell!!!

we had another asshole step down, so only 2 more to go. and they both have their condos up for sale, so they'll be gone eventually. the rest of the board members are pretty new, but i feel comfortable with their leadership and so do most of the other neighbors who are involved. we had about double the turnout of owners for the meeting, so i'd say the letter was effective. there were only 4 people who were upset about the letter (the 2 asshole board members, one of their wives and the new maintenance guy's wife). everyone else thanked me for doing it and then some folks asked dave and i if we would run for positions on the board at the next election. that's a job nobody wants, but i'm considering it. it's kinda like voting - i always say ya can't bitch if ya don't vote (i don't do either). i can't keep complaining that no one wants to do the work if i have the time and ability and don't do it just cuz it's a pain and i don't want to.

at 1:18 this morning we awoke to dave's car alarm going off. funny that it happened the night after the board meeting, huh? i'm assuming (yeah, i know what that makes us) that SOMEONE just wanted to piss us off or scare us. we didn't see anyone and no harm was done.

just a funny coincidence.

dave had words with one of the assholes after the meeting. he's going to sue me for defamation of character (altho i was smart enough to not name names in the informative letter - i was merely passing along information) so we invited him to do so.

ah shit, it's just a little soap opera. i hate drama. i just want people to be responsible so that things can run smoothly. especially be responsible with my money, which is in very limited supply.

this morning i called to pay my cell phone bill, and the girl i spoke to told me that i had $239.99 charged off in january of 2002 on my account for non-payment.


either they've typed in my social security number on someone else's account, or mary sanchez of winston-salem north carolina is using my identity.

now back in 2002 i was making some serious money. but the joke's on her. she ain't gonna get shit using my identity these days!!!

i've talked my husband into seeing someone about his credit card debt, maybe a consolidation loan or something. i can't wait to see what my credit report looks like...

now i have to call the fraud department at at&t and get this cleared up. it just pisses me off that i've got to spend time fooling with stuff like this.

it's always sumpthin!!!

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