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More Than One Way....
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I picked up a stomach bug somewhere along the way and I haven't been able to keep anything but fluids down for a couple of days now (I know, more information than you really wanted). When I can keep something down I have a sharp pain in my abdomen. Not fun.

But it certainly has been effective for losing weight. About six months ago, my doctor put me on a low-carb, low-fat diet to control my cholesterol level and it had the unintended benefit, over several months, of causing a weight loss equal to about Sue's cat Fabian.

This bout of stomach flu has subtracted a kitten or two from the total as well, I'm positive, though I don't have the energy to pull out the scale from under the counter and weigh myself.

This is a terrible time for me to be off work and I'm feeling guilty about it. Lots of time critical things happening. If I weren't likely to throw up on my desk, I'd go in anyway. But such an action would be less than professional, I do believe. Not to mention smelly and hard on the computer keyboard.

I've left my cell phone number with people who might have a crisis and depend on my expertise, and the rest of the world will have to struggle along somehow without me to keep it spinning on its axis. Of course, I'm that important! Didn't you know?

Nothing like a little ego.

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