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Balancing Act
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I do very complex work that requires my total attention. Many's the time being absorbed by work has helped me through a crisis, in the sense that it allowed me to put it aside for the nonce (after all, if he's in ER or in the hospital, there's nothing I can do at this time, he's in the hands of experts--or if the bill was overdue and I paid it late, oh well) and that gives me a stress breather, a chance to step down the voltage on the stress-o-meter.

If I were to retire, so that I could fret full-time, I'd be a basket case in nothing flat. Work (or some vital volunteer project) gets me away from all that for a while, just as being at home helps me de-stress from work. Yin and Yang.

I'm reluctant to say this would be appropriate for anybody else, since each person is different, but if there's something challenging and absorbing, I think it helps one's mind/body settle down, heal from the pain of everything going wrong.

And maybe get a little better perspective on it.

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