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Well, I've made a decision, a plan. I have a way out. I will keep on trying to deal with the VA's dumping N at the end of the month. I will keep trying to find a place for him to go (though they stated they would place him, they have reneged on that statement).

I will access the money in the savings account (cashier's check), so that N will have it if he needs it.

He is scheduled to be booted out April 1st (no joke). So the day before I will be gone from the picture and they will have to take care of him. No wife to dump him onto.

I never thought it would end like this, but end it must. And shall. One way or the other.

Of course, I would prefer a better resolution, one in which the VA keeps its promises to its veterans, but if I'm not around, they will be forced to care for him because he has no one else (brother doesn't count, I don't think).

I'll have to check on the brother angle and warn him (the brother) of the turn of events, so he's prepared with his answer.

Only other things to decide are how and where to bow out of the picture. One more week.

I feel much calmer now, and a feeling of gratitude that there is an exit point. The one thing I can't stand is feeling trapped.

I've been playing Solitaire for the last hour or so, imagining myself a week from now, just whiling away my last few hours, no sense in doing anything of what would have been called productive, were I to see its outcome. It's an odd feeling, thinking what it will be like...nothing...like a sound with no echo, no one to hear it, or care.

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