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Quintessentially Illiterate
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No comment required (this is word-for-word a person's review of a new TV show):

"The Show is damn near like Daria, from the point of the moody dark girl moving into a world that is apposed top her, all the way to her style of dress, hell Green Jacket, Black skirt/pants, Black Doc Martins, hell she has red hair parted to the left, Hope Abby T got a cut from this...

"all in all its a wonderful new show, worth watching, and the characters are fully formed and complex, this is rear for a Comedy, you can see that even amongst the characters she would not normally seek friendship with, that she would still have comradely. similarly as Daria and the cheerleaders, and much like Kevin the clueless Jock and friendly doofus to Daria, Tessa has the cross the street neighbor boy, who's sister may serve as her Jane Lane, the show is still new, and you can get allot from the Pilot but i guess this is what the viewing process is about, there is still much to be learned."

Did you get all that? Me neither.

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