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Want. Don't Need. Want.
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OK. I admit it. I lust after a Kindle Fire. Oooh! Shiny. Want.

But I don't need it. I use my Kindle to read books and my Kindle 2 works just fine, except that the battery is getting a bit tired (needs more and more frequent charging) and the cord to the charger has split the cover.

So it's a question of Want versus Need. I want a Kindle Fire, but I don't need one.

The same is true of my desire for an iPhone. The LG Octane I have now can be used for voice contact, texting, taking and sending photos. I don't need portable email. But, oh, how I love the shiny, new, electronics. Want. Don't need.

This debate is going on in my life in a lot of areas. I want, but don't need, new stuff. The old stuff is fine, works well, no problem.

The problem is that I grew up in our consumer culture, and it's a lesson to be learned for me that enough is plenty. More is a form of gluttony. (I make an exception for books. There are never enough books on my bookshelves or on my Kindle).

Universe, take note. I won't buy a Kindle Fire or an iPhone for myself, but if one shows up as a gift, I won't turn it down.

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