courir dans les tournesols

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Mechaieh. This is where I dork around about pop songs, slang, and other diversions. I'm neither particularly functional nor fluent in French, other than owning a decent dictionary, so suggestions, corrections, and amplifications are most welcome.

The title means "Running Around in the Sunflowers" (song by Marc Lavoine).
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Quelqu'un m'a dit

[For assorted reasons, I'm thinking about making the insanejournal my main fandom hang and limiting this space to obsessing over cheesy French pop songs, but it'll be a while -- probably not before next year -- before I make a definite move. Which means mishmash as usual for the present...]

Song by Carla Bruni.
Satirized by Les Enfoirés.
ETA 9/20: Les Enfoirés in rehearsal (with Jean-Jacques Goldman and another guy in lieu of Patrick Bruel and Raphael)

General gist of the song -- NOT a strict translation (refinements/corrections/discussion welcome):

Someone said to me, our lives aren't worth much of anything --
they pass in an instant, the way roses fade.
Someone said to me that Time's a slippery bastard
who cloaks himself in our sorrows --

and yet, someone said that you love me still. Is that possible?

Someone said to me that Time likes to mock us,
giving us nothing and promising everything,
appearing as if happiness rests in its palm --
so one grabs at it -- and then finds madness...

but, who's saying you still love me?
I don't remember anymore -- it was late at night.
I can still make out the voice, but I can no longer see the features --
"He loves you -- it's a secret -- don't tell him I told you --"
You see, someone said to me
you love me still--
they honestly said it to me -- him -- you --
that you love me still --
so, is that true?

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