The Sinister Scribe
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Sometimes You're the Windshield...
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sick and tired

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Sometimes you're the bug. Today, I felt like the bug. SPLAT!

It started fine. I had lots to do, as usual, on my day "off." Sewing a bag for my sister's birthday, it turned out really cute... Cleaning the house since a realtor was coming by with prospective buyers... Picking up a baby shower gift for a friend... Dropping the van off for a scheduled maintenance... meeting Bob for lunch.

Returned home after lunch and got a call from Ana, the daycare provider for Jessie. She started out with, "REmember, when you first brought Jessie, I said that it was OK to bring Jessie here on your day off. Well, I was wrong." Things went down hill from there. Basically, she was telling me that I was leaving Jessie with her for too long everyday... not just on the day off, but on the days I work too. She said," When I was working out of the house and had a day off, I would pick my kids up as soon as I could so that I could spend time with them." EXCUSE ME!?!?!!!

Yeah, I completely lost my temper. Something that happens only once or twice a year, if that often. To say I was offended, would have been a gross understatement. Usually, when I get mad, I get quiet. Not today! How dare she insinuate that I am not doing a good job taking care of Jessie, that I don't want to be with her. I am painfully aware of the 10 hours a day she spends at Ana's. If I had my way, she wouldn't be there at all!!! Not one damn minute! My job starts at 7 a.m. and I get off at 5. Yes, I have every other friday off which is usually filled with errands or a little time for myself.

The only thing I regret, is yelling at Ana. But how I raise my children and what I do with my free time is none of her damned business. As long as I pay her on time, pick Jessie up on time and don't drop her off any earlier than agreed on, she has no business telling me anything like she did today.

So... guess I'll be looking for another daycare provider starting tomorrow. I can't trust Ana anymore. If she'll step over the line there, what's to stop her from going further?

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