me in the piazza

I'm a writer, publishing both as SJ Rozan and, with Carlos Dews, as Sam Cabot. (I'm Sam, he's Cabot.) Here you can find links to my almost-daily blog posts, including the Saturday haiku I've been doing for years. BUT the blog itself has moved to my website. If you go on over there you can subscribe and you'll never miss a post. (Miss a post! A scary thought!) Also, I'll be teaching a writing workshop in Italy this summer -- come join us!
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Parade of Ships

(Wrote this yesterday morning, but needed time to upload the photos. Not ideal conditions for shooting with my tiny camera, but I couldn't resist. Click on these for a few more.)

Working down by the river today, so I can look up from the computer and see the Parade of Ships. The Tall Ships are here, and they're heading ceremonially up the Hudson, to the George Washington Bridge, where they'll turn around and sail on out to Greenport, LI -- where I will conveniently be this weekend. I don't know if youse have ever seen a ship parade, but I can tell you this -- they're really, really slow. So you can work and look, look and work.

This one started with the John J. Harvey, a decommissioned and privately-owned former NYC fireboat (which, though private-owned even then, was vital in fighting the fires on 9/11 -- a story I'll tell sometime if youse want me to). The Harvey shot water in big arcs from her water cannons as she went by. Then came the first Tall Ship, a huge four-masted job with sails disappointingly furled. Oh, no, thought I, not enough wind? Well, maybe not for that one, but all the others are operating under sail, including a matched pair that I think are French (from the flag). Wait -- not all. The biggest ones aren't using their sails -- maybe it's too risky because they're all so close together? But they've got sailors on deck amd sometimes in the rigging, they're impressive as hell, and there's been a helicopter flyover (two big army jobs) and a propeller plane flyover (three planes doing what looked like risky stunts to me). Of course I forgot my binocs so I can't say who's who, but the whole spectacle is exceedingly cool.

PS -- an hour after the last of the sailing ships disappeared upriver, here comes the US Coast Guard's Tall Ship, with its sailors standing at attention on deck, followed by some other large gray Navy ships -- not all our Navy, lots of visitors -- all with their sailors on deck. We've been having prop plane, jet plane, and copter flyovers, all Navy planes, all morning, including the Blue Angels zipping in close formation up and down the river. This is, I should have mentioned before, the start of Fleet Week in NYC. Lotsa Navy action goin' on. (And an orange-robed Buddhist monk just retrieved his bicycle from the pier and is preparing to peddle away. I love New York.)

full speed ahead
full speed ahead

the old passes the new
the old passes the new

hudson river
for ships to float, you need water -- the mighty Hudson

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