me in the piazza

I'm a writer, publishing both as SJ Rozan and, with Carlos Dews, as Sam Cabot. (I'm Sam, he's Cabot.) Here you can find links to my almost-daily blog posts, including the Saturday haiku I've been doing for years. BUT the blog itself has moved to my website. If you go on over there you can subscribe and you'll never miss a post. (Miss a post! A scary thought!) Also, I'll be teaching a writing workshop in Italy this summer -- come join us!
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The Tao of tech

Am I the only one it happens to that many pieces of a single kind of technology tend to go out at once? I mean, the toilet overflows the day the kitchen faucet starts dripping? And the lightbulb in the hallway burns out two days after the short on the bedroom lamp switch?

My computer, three years old and hard driven, is beginning to have small but serious nervous breakdowns. It sometimes takes two or three reboots to get it going again. My beloved camera is in the shop getting lens work, the picture on my TV now stretches beyond the screen, the new stereo is suddenly sometimes not stereo for a second or two, and my iPhone, though it works fine, has a broken case. I feel like the guy in that "Twilight Zone" episode who was always pounding on his appliances when they didn't work the way he wanted them to, until finally they came to life and chased him into the swimming pool, and the toaster, plugged in, jumped in with him.

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