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Sweltering at the movies
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Reading: Crackpot by John Waters
Music: Celtic Warriors
TV/Movie: Judge Dredd
Link o' the Day: DR and Quinch

Sweltering. That's what it is today.


Okay, so every day can't be a paragon of productivity. I got some good work done this morning, but by 10 it was just too hot. I spent the next several hours in the air conditioned bedroom watching movies. Not a good thing to do when one is unemployed, but I figure I've earned it--or will. I've forcibly evicted myself from said room our of some misguided sense of work ethic, but jeez. I can't wait for the cold front to come sweeping in tonight.

I stand by my usual statement... it's easier to get warm in winter than cool in summer. If it weren't for snow and ice, I wouldn't have anything against winter at all.

Saw some interesting movies today. Dirty Work was a comedy featuring Norm MacDonald and Artie Lange that had a lot of potential, that could have been great, but missed a bit just the same. A fairly predictable plot. Some awkward script moments. It's biggest flaw wasn't Norm MacDonald, but his acting ability--or lack thereof. I happen to like Norm MacDonald's brand of deadpan, smirky comedy, and there are many moments where thyat works on film, but there are just as many that fall pretty flat. And as Norm is kind of an acquired taste to begin with, I'm not surprised it got such tepid reviews. Do I recommend it? Sure, but don't pay a lot for it. Catch it on TV or rent it after "borrowing" the rental fee from your parent's change jar.

I also caught 54, (as in Studio 54) today. Not a movie I would generally seek out myself, and I probably wouldn't bother recommending if not for one simple reason. It is probably the only instance in which Mike Myers is not only acting, but acting well! His protrayal of Studio 54 owner Steve Rubell was so good that I couldn't convince myself it was really Myers until I watched the end credits. Austin Powers sucks. His Cat in the Hat sucks. Wayne World mostly sucked (the sequel sucked harder than a Hoover). Probably the only decent thing he's done was Shrek... and his protrayal of Steve Rubell. Again, don't pay to see it. I wouldn't even bother renting it. But catch it on cable if it comes around. Selma Hayek does a pretty good job. The story isn't bad.

On a final film note--one of the best comic book adaptation movies is also probably one of the most under-rated. I speak of Judge Dredd starring Sylvester Stalone as a futuristic cop in a fascist megacity in the years fo0llowing world-wide nuclear catastrophes. It was originally a comic in Britain's 2000 A.D. and picked up a cult following here in the States during the 80s. Stallone does a very convincing job playing Dredd and the set designs and storyline is pretty spot on. My only complaint is that Stallone plays the part of Dredd too much with the helment off. I can't think of a single instance in the original comic book series where we ever saw anything but Dredd's sneer and chin under that helmet, but I may have missed a few issues. Still, Dredd needs his police helmet or he's only half the character. While Stallone did a good job, and certainly appears to have researched the character, Hollywood ego won out in the end.

My only other complaint was that it was played too straight. The original has a satirical bite to it that doesn't exist in the movie.

Still, I recommend it. I'd even recommend paying for it if you're a comic book fan. Yes, it was a commercial failure and a lot of people hated it, but I liked it--and have I ever steered you wrong?

Okay, enough on movies. I need to go make dinner, then get ready for some Irish music tonight. I hope the heat breaks.


Today's link goes to a classic 200 AD comic, DR and Quinch. Written by the enigmatic Alan Moore. I won't say anything more. Give it a read. It's only a small sample of the brilliance.


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