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On Homes and Dancing and Music
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it's fun to be me

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Reading: Miles Errant by Lois McMaster Bujold
Music: random folk
TV/Movie: Anytown USA
Link o' the Day: songs of Greg Brown

Pretty interesting day. It looks like I have a new client. The first project won't begin for a few weeks, but it's nice to know there's work out there. What makes it especially nice is that Pretty Maggie and I went to talk to a loan advisor today to help us prepare for the whole mind-boggling process of buying a house sometime soon. We were both pleasantly surprised to learn that our situation wasn't hopeless. I was worried because I want to turn my on-the-side freelance business into a full-time venture. This will not work against me. Granted, I have some paperwork to work on, and a few more months of establishing an income history, but I don't think that's going to be a problem. 2008 was better than 2007. 2009 looks like it will be significantly better than 2008.

So between me and Pretty Maggie, we should have a pretty solid ground to stand on come the first week of January, and it's very likely, I think, that we will have a house of our own by springtime--at the latest.

Now if I can just keep the winter heating bills from drowning me, we'll be just fine.

So lots of good news. And yes, I watched the debates tonight. While Obama was not on his game as much as in other debates--particularly at the beginning--he still came out on top. I love looking at the current polling electoral maps. While I think it's time to abolish the Electoral College, I know there's nothing to be done about it for this election, so I'll enjoy all those vote-heavy blue states for what they are.


Pretty Maggie and I attended the wedding of a co-worker of hers this weekend. We had a fun time. Sure, I had to get up in a suit, but that's not bad because I wear suits well (on those rare occasions that I do). And yes, I danced. Lord, I danced. I don't dance much these days, and my dancing past is pretty much limited to R&B shows and hardcore. The former was just me basically swinging back and forth. The latter was contusions and bruises in the midst of the thrash pit. Not really wedding reception stuff.

(Independent observers have described my dancing as a drunken fight with myself.)

But I had fun, and I don't think I embarassed myself, or patient Pretty Maggie, too much. My favorite part was when the hillbilly dad of the bride made the DJ play "Down the Old Plank Road" and I decided to accompany the tune by playing the spoons.

Yeesh. And mind you--I've not had a drop of liquor in eight years.


Workwise, today, I spent mostly working on photos for a new book project, and putting some finishing touches on the Hank Moonjean book. I fully expect to be able to upload it to the printers sometime tomorrow. And if I'm lucky, I'll get a critical piece to the Baby Peggy book in the mail tomorrow, so that might be uploaded to the printer by Monday at the latest.

Here's to crossing fingers.


No deep thoughts today other than to revel in the fact that it's a lot of fun to be me.

Today's link goes to a site that contains guitar chord transcriptions for the songs of Greg Brown. For those who don't know, Greg Brown is one of the hardest working guys in the folk music scene. I'm not going to type up the guy's resume, but you can find it here at his Wikipedia entry. My old college bud, Bill Cutlip, turned me on to a lot of great music and fanned the sparks of my interest in folk and bluegrass music back in 1980-something. One of the artists he introduced to me was Greg Brown. I can strum a few of his songs, but I still can't carry a tune to save my life.

But at least I can strum and pick a bit.

So go to iTunes or your local music shop or what-have-you and check out some of his music. And if you've a hankering to try some of them out yourself, visit today's site for the chords.


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