We adopted from Russia -
My new life as a Mom

"so I'll be taking maternity..."
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So I'm drinking a beer and between swigs telling someone, "I'll be starting my maternity in 6 months..." and got the funniest look from a passerby!

Yes, I'm 3 months along....

Actually, I have a list of things to chat about in my journal here, but most of them so wholly unconnected I never start on them. Then I remember, if I write a journal on each one of these thoughts, you people who have signed up for notification will get a ton of emails! Then I thought, too bad. It's my journal, and if you weren't interested you wouldn't sign up, right?!

Here's something neat. My mom has a friend, whose daughter has been trying to get pregnant. They tried the in-vitro route and lost the baby later on in the pregnancy. So they began to think about adoption, and Mom passed on our agency information to them. And they've decided to go with Frank too! Now we're helping others as well!

And then speaking of in-vitro, a couple that is an acquaintance illustrates for us exactly why we're not trying anything more to get pregnant. This couple has tried for years to get pregnant. Then the woman underwent a couple different surgeries to try to correct things - didn't work. So then they tried the "heavy-duty" fertility drugs (shots in the hip, etc) which she still suffers aches from... didn't work.

So approximately $30,000 later, 2 surgeries and 3 failed in-vitros later, PLUS what they paid in adoption fees, not even COUNTING the emotional toll on their marriage, they will finally travel on Sept. 10 to China to receive their daughter.
We prefer the satisfaction guaranteed route.

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