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Accomplished, In A Way

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Thirty Six Months of Details

Student "edition" found at {csi dot journalspace dot com}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

This electronic chronicle turns three years old today.

One major upheaval, if that is not an exaggerated description of it, for the past twelve months is the creation of a second journal to be able to show not just my friends, co-teachers and fellow creative writing group members that it’s possible to come up with original content output almost every day, but also to my students, who are also as immersed into the web diary phenomenon, although mostly they are into taking, (sometimes copying), editing and posting of digital photographs and the answering of quizzes – in other words, just one step above from mass forwarding and chain letters.

That, in itself, is a large increase in my words per day produced count. I am happy to have found out that I am up to the challenge of raising my quota of text typed regularly.

One specific aspect of writing that I would like to emphasize for today is about descriptors.

Usually I’m talking about events I’ve attended and places I’ve been to. When I think about how I’m going to go about telling my side of the proceedings, I first think about whether or not it has already been mentioned somewhere else in the internet, and in what amount of detail.

If there is none by the time I post, then I take it upon myself to be as detailed in my account as possible. Otherwise, I have to have my own unique spin on the happenings.

At this point I would decide if I would start with my first impressions as I arrived or my overall sentiments after the event.

If the occurrence did not give me an extremely good or bad feeling either way, then I would start to assume what would be the questions someone I was talking to about the event would be most likely to ask me.

So after servicing my own level of unburdening and expression discussing the occasion, I would then turn to thinking about the amount of satisfaction I want the readers to have from my writing, so that they would not be left hanging like I just said, “I attended the baptism of my cousin’s child by her ex-boyfriend, and it was scandalous” and leave it at that.

Session 957 left it at that. Class dismissed.

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