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Slightly Miffed

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Horse Blinders Strike Again

Student "edition" found at {csi dot journalspace dot com}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

The ever vigilant Registrar's Office - more vigilant now because of the flagrant violations and loophole sneaking done by the ilk of Ephraim - just called because of an anomaly in the enlistment of a certain student.

Last week, before classes had started, he requested me to drop certain subjects that were not on his original list (and plan of study) and add those that he could take that were not on his plan of study.

He knows that lecture subjects cannot be enrolled without lab subjects and vice versa.

But today the head of the Registrar called us and told us that he had done exactly that: enrolled in the lecture class without the lab, because only the lab subject was conflict anyway, and because he was going to be one of those that will petition the teacher to change the schedule during this first week of classes.

The agreement though is that in the meantime, he is not considered enrolled in that class, and he can only add that when the teacher has already changed the schedule. But that's not what he did.

It's technically the fault of the registrar's personnel because I specifically wrote in his enrollment folder that both the lecture and the lab class have to be dropped. Maybe they took his word for it and only looked at his enlistment sheet.

Anyway, now the conflict with the lab class has been resolved, so he will have to add the lab class today and pay additional, which he would have done anyway with the lecture class, only with a smaller amount, so there really is no reason why he should have broken the rules and maintained enlistment of the lecture class.

There really ought to be a way that advisers themselves can add or drop subjects of the students electronically (and have software that catches conflicts, and untaken prerequisites), to ease the burden on the registrar's personnel, who only have to give them their assessment forms.

Session 1813 may have a paranoid fear of student hackers preying on a new and untested computer enrollment system. Class dismissed.

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