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General Ass

Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

Today there was the second general assembly given by the College Student Council.

It had to come at a time when the president was off at a formation camp facilitating.

So it was the other officers that presided, along with announcements from the registrar's office and the discipline officer.

I'm not surprised that there will probably be very little positive response to the proposal that seventy five to a hundred pesos will be added to the trimester's tuition fee for the use of the student council. I don't think they were able to explain fully why the funds from the office of student affairs isn't sufficient, and why they can't do fund raising activities.

The former student council president, who is finished with his practicum and is hanging around the campus from Monday to Friday until the end of the term (at least that's what he says) asked if the proposal should not be placed to the parents instead.

The head of the election commission might have misheard the question as asking for funds from the parents' association instead, and reported on the chaotic outcome of their previous general assembly. The former president, to me, said that the discussion during that day makes him conclude that dissolution seems to be their path.

One former student organization president also asked if the fund they plan can be used by the student organizations. To this the answer was yes, it was for everyone.

There were also questions posed to the registrar's office about very specific cases. If I were the head I would have just said that instead of waiting for the general assembly, which is more about general policies, that they can approach her office instead.

It was also here that I learned that the school of information technology and computing doesn't require plans of study from their graduating students, whether regular or not.

Ironically, this is the school where the dean (who makes the course offerings) is, although she does have independent thinkers among her advisers (and one high-level complainer).

The student council also presented their plans of activities for the second term, including this "Arrogance Filipino" collaboration of an exhibit where they finally got to sneak in their noontime show.

I wonder why the talent show wasn't there, or if it's already relegated to the student organizations.

No plans for December, it seems, not even an outreach program. That will have to be fixed.

Session 2759 says "Disregard the potential sinister implications or history of the last sentence". Class dismissed.

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