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A Boss Lays Down the Law

Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

The coordinator of the office of sports development, one of our graduates, recently had a talking to from his boss.

This is the same boss who when a couple of teachers on different occasions told him they were interested in buying a badminton racket that he could get at a discounted price, he brought a racket the very next time they met. It is like the Zest-O gang.

This is also the same boss that even though the coordinator already said that there was no space to include his name and position in the tarpaulin for the summer sports offerings, agreed with the coordinator, then went to the printers himself, and had then add his name and position in at the exact same inappropriate place before printing.

Anyway, one thing I cannot fault him for is hiring this graduate of ours, and renewing him.

Let us not go over how he is extremely overworked and has recently expressed admitting that he has experienced dreading waking up in the morning to go to work.

But going back to my original point: his fighting for this employee of his has led to this employee getting very close to becoming permanent, although he started out being in limbo relative to the rest of the staff and their ranking, since he was then half-time.

Now, his boss gives him a speech that if he gets a position that transcends most of the other staff members (from the purchasing office to the audio-visual equipment custodians to the grounds crew) that he has to stop treating them like chums and without titles.

This is despite having been a student here and gotten used to talking to Sir Leo or Miss Irene.

Wow, this really shows that our management styles are completely different, and that just having a budget that numbers in the seven digits can truly warp the sense of a person of their worth.

I also do not know if this is going to affect his willingness to continue working there.

@@ On another subject: have you ever wanted an experience so badly after the first time that just remembering what happened and the potential of repetition sends tingles?

And no, I am not talking about anything sexual here, just regular events like visiting a place or enjoying a party.

So because of that reminiscence, which only began after realizing that it could happen again, you cannot believe it when you are told that it is not possible to recur.

This is mental resistance. And I am not talking about anything illegal here either.

Session 2791 knows how vague that sounds. Class dismissed.

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