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Would Like to Run Over Them

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My Cup Runneth Over

Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

Of course I am still talking about the band fest. It was that big a deal, especially with the students denying how bad it was.

Even the alumni who attended were not impressed, as audience and as participants.

They even complained about the attitude of those at the gate, feeling they were bouncers with IDs and radios.

In both cases they felt they were not accommodated, especially not being informed properly about the delays.

In fact, their food, that was usually complimentary, was an afterthought this time around.

Just the fact that the organizers were crying in one room three hours after it was supposed to start (and probably when they heard that their main attraction actually cancelled) and wanting to cancel shows their lack of fortitude, even if they eventually did not.

For them it really was not a win-win situation. Whatever they did people were going to be disappointed.

Were they right in not telling the people about the non-appearance of the main band until it was almost over?

Yes, looking at it one way it was deception, to make the people stay longer than they actually would have.

Even they themselves admitted during the evaluation that they should not have done the IDs and the certificates on the day itself, because as more problems presented themselves, these supposed little things just got more and more delayed in getting finished.

It was also disheartening that the secretary, upon hearing the complaints of a band fest veteran, instead told him he should have stepped up and remedied the situation.

They also sadly criticized their own volunteers, who they obviously got for the glory in the first place, not for their ability. And where were the officers of the recognized student organizations in all this?

Why was it even that the president of the student council could not sign the certificates herself?

Did they, in fact, have themselves excused from their classes on the day of the event itself? I have to find that out.

In the end what I want to know is if things had run more smoothly if it did not rain.

Or it could be that their lack of preparation would have just been more obvious because they have no excuse to stand behind.

Session 3009 hopes this is the last of it. Class dismissed.

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