The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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My repeat offender uncle.

My uncle got arrested again last night. This will be his third time. It is has been a few years though so at least he has some control. It is sort of interesting to have a criminal like this in the family. It is actually something I like to brag about.

Due to our overcrowded prison system he probably will not do any jail time despite his past record. Sentencing him to community service would be a waste of time, so the worst he is facing is a fine.

Of course the reason they wouldn't sentence him to community service is that it would be redundant. His whole life has been dedicated to community service. He was a priest for ten years before he fell in love with a woman he was trying to help overcome an alcohol addiction. After leaving the priesthood, he opened a repair shop where he helped paroled prisoners learn a trade. He and his wife set up a place for people to stay so that they could be close to loved ones undergoing long hospital stays. His grown children are also active members of their community.

He has also been a peace activist for more than twenty years. Not suprisingly he and about a dozen other people were arrested protesting the military buildup for a possible war in Iraq.

I'm not particularly close with my uncle. I see him maybe once a year. For the most part our politics and ideologies are very different. Despite leaving the priesthood, my uncle remains a devote Catholic, while I am a card carrying atheist. He's a Democrat, while I vote Libertarian when I think a Republican candidate is too far to the left. I do admire him though for being a man who is willing to stand up for his convictions.

About two weeks ago my friend the cat lady emailed me a message about a antiwar rally that was being held in Washington,DC on the 18th. The cat lady is a 60s leftover like my uncle but she isn't anywhere near as active. She knew though that I really did not like this Iraqi thing.

So I guess it is time to stand up and be counted. God I hope they don't sing 'Give Peace a Chance' too many times. I'll have to put up with it I suppose. We've gotten so used to these 60's style protests that it will probably barely make news even if half a million people do show up.

Don't get me wrong. I like George Bush. I admire Colin Powell. Dick Cheney is a brillant man. Condaleeza Rice is bright, articulate, and frankly - a hottie. I really believe though that this Iraq thing is a mistake.

With the possible exception of Kuwait, none of Iraq's neighbors feel threatened. We finally got Turkey to agree to let us put troops there after we promised to assist their move for full membership in the EU. The Saudis have refused to allow us to launch any attacks against Iraq from their country. The Russians are another neighbor - Hmm. Do you think that we would need to go in to Iraq if Russia felt threatened? Of course we are already paying the Russians off by ignoring their brutal suppression of Chechnya. Maybe we need to save Iran from another invasion. Umm right.

I just don't think this is worth risking American lives for. They say that we could loose 800 American troops a day there. Look at the person closest to you and ask, "Would I be willing to put this person's life at risk for this?" If your answer is no, then ask yourself why 800 Americans per day, and countless thousands of Iraqis should have to die over this.

I'm reaching middle age now and I don't think I should be satisfied with a passive role when I feel this passionately about something anymore. I have a responsibility as a citizen to make certain that I participate in some fashion. So off I go.

Of course, I'm just some strange guy whose parents named him Brainsalad (What were they thinking!)

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