The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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Passing the dice

God I love my kid. The morning she is off at a 4-H meeting, so I've got a little extra time to goof off. The last couple of years I've been worried about how she's going to turn out. But now I think she's going to be ok. I looks she got the Brainsalad family brains. Coupled with that is a sense of self confidence and self esteem that I never had at her age. She is an introvert and she doesn't care what anybody else thinks of her. But she seems to always have a few friends. And I feel so connected to her. Sometimes it is like a piece of my soul got split off and put into her body. Despite the fact that she really only half likes me, she has ended up with the same interests.

I like that fact that in a crowd of 1000 girls her age, it'd be easy to pick her out as my daughter. She'll never be beautiful. She got my maternal grandfather's nose, which is sort of flat and broad. And like me she has a big forehead. Her chin, which she got from her mother, is almost too strong for her face. At 5'7" she is a big girl. She's not a slender 5'7". Her shoulders are broad and she has big hips. She is not overweight, but she has the sort of body that is supposed to carry a fair amount of mass. She isn't ugly by any stretch of the imagination. Just sort of average looking. I don't think she'd want to be beautiful.

She wrote about five pages yesterday. She told me that she really isn't interested in ever selling anything. She says she writes for herself. But maybe there is a future there anyway.

Well, getting back to the topic of today's journal, my daughter made some friends in her writing group, and they've started playing Dungeons and Dragons together. So I bought her some dice yesterday. I told her I would buy the books for her too, but she said that she just wanted to borrow from her friends for now until she figured out whether she really liked the game or not. I have to be careful not encourage her too much or she'll back off. I'm glad that the writing group is spawning some friendships for her, and the Dungeons and Dragons crowd isn't a bad one for a kid her age.

Enough goofing off. While my daughter is out at her 4-H meeting am I getting some much needed 'Spring' cleaning done. Spring is in quotes because we are getting about four inches of snow today.

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