The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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Cold and detached
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Brain Salad Sandwich

I went to visit my mother's house yesterday to do laundry and mow her lawn. When I got there she told me my brother was dead. She also said that she had been stuck in her bedroom for three weeks and no one had bothered to check on her. She was upset at me for this. Then she got a box of takeout food and told me to smell it because someone had told her there was shit inside it.

When I refused to smell the takeout, my mother told me that in 1947 the first time they had put her in the hospital, it was right after her grandmother's death. Someone told her that her grandmother had died staring at the statue of the sacred heart and that no had found her for two weeks. They had told her that the smell was the most horrendous odor you could possibly imagine.

Shortly after my mother finished this story a policeman showed up at the front door. Apparently my sister in Oregon had called the troopers after she had spoken with my mother on the phone. I found out much later that my mother told my sister that she had bought new knives and told her she was going to kill (maybe homosexuals). I found the knives, and at the police officer's suggestion took them and the rest of the cutlery out of the house.

When my mother spoke with the officer she was properly oriented towards time and space. He did not think that he could hospitalize her involuntarily on the basis of what he was seeing. She knew it was July 4 and stated that she had no thoughts of hurting herself or anyone else. I admitted that I had never known her to hurt herself or anyone while in this state, although she had gotten in a car accident once. She does not have a car to drive anymore.

So the officer left, and Mom went into her bedroom and could be heard screaming, singing, and crying at various points. I finished my laundry, mowed the lawn, and ate lunch. Then I left.

Streetsmart ninja kickboxing reporter doesn't know about my mother's illness yet but she knew I had gone to visit her yesterday. When she asked about my visit I just told her that my mother had been in a bit of strange mood so I hadn't stayed long. That evening we had planned on seeing some fireworks, but we skipped them and made our own instead.

Dear hero imprisoned
With all the new crimes that you are perfecting
Oh, I can't help quoting you
Because everything that you said rings true
And now in my cell
(Well, I followed you)
And here's a list of who I slew

Reggie Kray - do you know my name ?
Oh, don't say you don't
Please say you do, (oh) I am :

The last of the famous
International playboys
The last of the famous
International playboys
And in my cell
(Well, I loved you)
And every man with a job to do
Ronnie Kray - do you know my face ?
Oh, don't say you don't
Please say you do, (oh) I am :

The last of the famous
International playboys
The last of the famous
International playboys

In our lifetime those who kill
The newsworld hands them stardom
And these are the ways
On which I was raised
These are the ways
On which I was raised

I never wanted to kill
I am not naturally evil
Such things I do
Just to make myself
More attractive to you

Ooh... Ooh...
Ooh... Oh..
Ah ah ah Oh

Oh... Oh
Oh... Oh

Ar rah rah Oh
Oh.. Oh
Ar rah rah Oh

Oh, the last of the famous
International playboys
The last of the FAMOUS

lyrics by Morrissey

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