The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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Kzzlonai and the cow people: a World of Warcraft adventure for levels 1 through 3.

Once there was a girl named Kzzlonai.

It was a silly name and sometimes she wished could be named Judy or Sally or Jennifer.

But most the time she wished that she could see the cow people and be friends with them.

So that was what she decided to do.

She was afraid, but she had a friend named Betsy who was an angel.

Whenever Kzzlonai could get hurt, the friendly angel Betsy would turn her into a shadow person, and then Kzzlonai wasn't hurt, but it did turn a little dark, which was kind of scary.

First Kzzlonai rode on a boat, and they let her steer it.

This was very nice, but not such a good idea, because instead of cow people land, she ended up in the land of donkey-ear people.

The donkey-ear people told Kzzlonai to talk to a tree. They also told her that they were called night elves, so that was what she called them.

Kzzlonai did not know that trees could talk, but in night elf land they could. She met a big tree, but he did not know where the cow people were, so she asked for an apple instead.

The tree was very nice and gave her two apples instead of just one. She ate one, and was going to eat the other, but then she decided to keep it for later. This is called "not being a hog."

Then Kzzlonai kept looking for the cow people. She tried a lot of different things and different places.

Once, she made friends with a turtle and went swimming.

Once, she went to a lava place called Blackrock Mountain. There were lots of black rocks there, but no cow people.

Finally, she asked Big Mustache Man. Big Mustache Man told her that she should ride on a sky ship.

So she did. The Blue People were very surprised to see her on the sky ship.

It was very high up!

Then finally she arrived in cow people land.

She went to visit Cairne Bloodhoof, chief of the cow people. His guards were very nice to her.

She asked Cairne Bloodhoof, "Could I be friends with the cow people?" And he said, "Why should I let you?"

And she thought for a while, because she was not sure. Then she remembered that she still had an apple! So she said, "I will give you this!" And he said, "Ok." Kzzlonai was very glad that she had not been a hog.

Then she went to the cow people

And she danced

And she danced

And she was happy!

The End.

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