Cheesehead in Paradise
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My first TAG ever. Yay!
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It's that Five Meme. Please feel free to use it as a procrastination tool.

Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Than add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.

1. BrightStar
2. Lucy
3. Phantom Scribbler
4. Songbird
5. cheesehead

Next, select five people to tag.

1. Kathryn
2. Lorna
3. Rebel Without A Pew
4. Mary Beth
5. Mibi

What were you doing 10 years ago?

February, 1996? I was doing very well at a job at which I was very proficient, but which was bringing me less and less real satisfaction. I was also hearing that still small voice, growing louder and louder telling me that there was a Next Step waiting for me. The problem was that I had two young children and could not imagine my life changing in any big ways. Fortunately, while we plan, God laughs.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Blurking. (Blog lurking.)

Five snacks you enjoy

1. cashews
2. Bugles ( I know, they are pure junk!)
3. tangerines (They are excellent this year!)
4. any salty crunchy thing coated in onion dip
5. guacamole and chips (I just made some killer guac to enjoy tomorrow!)

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics

1. I just learned all the words to "La Vie Boheme" from RENT. Yeah, I'm kinda proud of myself.
2. “My Fair Lady” (Stolen from Songbird)
3. Also “The Sound of Music” (Ditto. I was in both of these musicals--2 and 3.)
4. "How can I Keep From Singing?"
5. Two words: "Bohemian Rhapsody" (I think that fits with #1.)

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire

1. Give some of it away.
2. Make sure my parents could be taken care of in their really old age.
3. Buy WG a car. A used car. And buy CTA a slightly better used car than the death trap he is currently driving.
4. Start a scholarship fund at my old seminary.
5. Go wherever in the world it takes to find just the right pointy-toed, low heeled boots. Then, I'd buy three pairs. In three colors. Just because I can.

Five bad habits

1. Eating foods that are bad for me.
2. Hitting the snooze button.
3. Letting the dry laundry sit in the dryer until it is hopelessly wrinked necessitating additional dry cycles.
4. Leaving my work bag, gym bag, lunch bag, coffee thermos, book bag, etc. in the car every darn night.
5. Not cutting myself some slack

Five things you like doing
1. blogging
2. reading
3. singing
4. shopping
5. girl stuff--mani/pedi, shopping at Sephora, looking at jewlery, trying on shoes, etc.

Five things you would never wear again

1. Tapered leg pants--Shoot me if you see me in these.
2. Turtlenecks--I have too many chins for that nonsense.
3. Mall hair
4. Clunky shoes
5. Large polka dots

Five favorite toys

1. My car. I miss her...
2. Kitchen Aid stand mixer
3. My Jacuzzi tub
4. Kitchen shears. You'd be amazed...they are so handy!
5. My computer

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