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Can't wait for my new car!
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I took Jed to the airport today -- he's off to WorldCon in Glasgow, and I'm driving around in his new Prius! Yay for me! It's great because I get to feel what it's like and practice all the weird electronic woo woo so when I pick up my new car I won't look like a total ass trying to drive it off the lot. :) And also, it's really cool. And fun. And so cute I can hardly stand it. But mine is going to be even cuter (sorry Jed) because I'm going to get some kind of paint detailing done in pink. Maybe racing stripes, maybe polka dots, I don't know. Any ideas?

The unpacking process continues at my new apartment. I bought a new dresser at IKEA and assembled it all by myself, with only one piece that I had to take off and put back on the correct direction. And then, after assembling the dresser, I could put my clothes away in it! Hooray! Plus, I did four loads of laundry while reading Janet Evanovich's new book, Eleven On Top, which was thankfully back to her previous standard of excellence for humor. I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard. Her last two in the Stephanie Plum series were not nearly as good -- I don't know what happened, but they were just kind of lame and unfunny. So it was great to have the characters back to their wacky selves, and be able to really enjoy the writing. Seriously, this may be the funniest of the series since the first two or three.

Back to the apartment: I did order the couch and armchair (did I say that already?), and it is due to arrive on August 12, just when I'm flying off to Portland for my brother's graduation! Go Mario! But I have a friend who will stay in the apartment and take receipt of the furniture for me, so I think it'll be okay. Now I just have to find and/or build bookshelves for my umpteen boxes of books.

D'you know, in all the time I was living with my ex (both before and during our marriage), I never had my paperbacks on shelves (only in boxes). He thought they looked tacky, and I didn't stand up for myself. 'Nuff said. So as I'm sure you can all imagine, I'm looking forward with great pleasure to having every friggin' one of my books on a shelf.

I still don't have internet service in my apartment, by the way. My goal for tomorrow is to set up my cable tv and internet services. Okay, it's time for me to either go play some guitar or go to sleep.

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