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Stomach flu is no fun. Go figure.
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I spent the weekend feeling queasy, getting better, throwing up, having lower GI issues (see, I can be polite sometimes), getting better... I think I ate a total food quantity of two normal meals over the the course of two days. About one each day. Yesterday and today I've eaten a little bit more, and slept a whole heck of a lot, and tomorrow I think I'll be going to work. I was planning on going back today, but after my shower I was totally exhausted. And then I ate breakfast and it just sat heavily in my stomach.

Plus, I kept burping up the taste of oregano, because my sister got me some oil of oregano to take along with my lomatium mix (they're both anti-virals). I hadn't taken the oregano before, and I'm not sure I want to again. At least the lomatium just leaves a faint garlic aftertaste. Not because lomatium itself tastes like garlic, but because it's mixed with all kinds of things, including garlic.

Anyway, enough about my bodily functions and the food I have or haven't eaten. I'm sick of it already! Huh, that didn't come out exactly like I meant. No pun intended, really.

What else? I had a fabulous guitar lesson right after I got back from New York. Larry has me picking with a nickel instead of a regular guitar pick. This is to increase the strength of my bass notes and also to increase my accuracy. I'll tell ya, it's damn hard to hit the right string with a bloody nickel. They're awfully thick. And round. But then when I go back to a regular pick, it's all strange and clear sounding. And so easy! Which I guess is the point. Like swimmers not shaving their legs when they practice, and then shaving before a meet: If you add the extra difficulty in practice and then take it away before the real thing, the real thing seems easy in comparison. Or you get an edge. Or whatever. Okay, I'm mixing my metaphors.

Speaking of mixing things up, I heard from Liz in my school's office today that my kids are doing fine, and were delighted to discover that I had made a typo in my emailed instructions to them for the day. I sent in a list of what I wanted them to do yesterday, and this morning I sent one for today when I knew I wasn't going in. Well, apparently I made some kind of error, which they caught when they were reading it aloud. Liz stayed in the room with them for that part of it, to make sure they had actually gone through all of my instructions. When one of the students stumbled over my error (I don't know what it is yet, I haven't gone back through to find it), she said, "Well, I guess Lola must really be sick!" Sigh. I guess that's what comes of being such a stickler for proofreading and mechanics. I'm sure they'll give me a hard time tomorrow. It's good, though. It's good for them to see that everybody makes mistakes, even in their specialty areas. Of course, they only see me writing correctly, usually. They don't read my journal, as far as I know. :) And it's also good for them to have something to correct me on; I certainly didn't do it on purpose, but I don't mind in the least that they get the chance to tease me about something. It's good for our relationship.

Anyway, I'm going to attempt a half a baked potato and a little bit of spinach now.

Darnit, I started talking about food again! :)

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