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No water for three days
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I got a notice on my apartment door yesterday that said the water will be shut off to all apartments on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week from 9 to 5. This is apparently so that they can replace all the water shut-off valves. Merry Christmas! We're shutting off all the water! Grrr....

Which means that this week while on my bloody vacation I have to wake up friggin' early to take my shower before the water gets shut off. And, I have to spend the whole day pretty much out of my apartment because there will be no flushing of toilets and no washing of hands or dishes for three days, except before 9 and after 5. I think another GRRRR is called for. Grrrr.

So tomorrow I will be going to my sister's for breakfast and then driving to Sunnyvale to get the belated 5,000 mile maintenance done on my Prius. That should take most of the morning, and then in the afternoon I'm going to my sister's again to bake Xmas cookies.

Wednesday I guess I'll pretty much spend the day at my sister's, doing a making-of-ornaments-for-gifts project with Max & Griffin.

And let's see, Thursday, what shall I do? Hmmm, guess I'll spend the day at my sister's. Sigh. I was really looking forward to some nice relaxing time at home too. Well, maybe they'll get it all done quickly and I can have my house back sooner than expected.

Ever the optimist.

I got a pedicure today. My toenails are deep blood red now. I think the color is actually a little dark for me, but it looks great on Jessie, who also got a pedicure. Liz (who, funnily enough, also got a pedicure -- you'd think we all went together or something) chose a different color, more of a Christmasy red.

I had something else to talk about, but I forgot what it was.

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