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Finally recovering from the virus of doom
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It's been two and a half weeks now, and I'm still coughing some. But my doctor said yesterday that I don't have ear infections in both ears, I just have lots of fluid in them, and to take a decongestant. Hooray for not needing antibiotics, anyway. I'm slowly recovering, having taken two half days and a full day off of work this week. 'Course, I haven't been to music in three or four weeks, which sucks, but I had to sleep.

I probably would have recovered faster except I had to run that whole silent auction thing for my school's annual fundraiser. But we raised a ton of money and the guests seemed to have a great time and really enjoy themselves, so it was all worth it. And my students' quilt sold for $1,000! Yay! Basically, the night was a huge success. Okay, it might have pushed me into relapse and all, but still... I'm very pleased.

In other news, I'm spending several days next week in Monterey with my students, going whale watching, checking out the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas, and chillin' at the Aquarium. I think I'll make them write an essay on sustainable fishing practices. Whaddya think? :) Evil teacher.

And now that my brain is semi-functional again, I remember that some congratulations are in order:

Hooray to Phoebe and Mike who are expecting squiddly number 2!!!

Hooray to Mich and Beth who are finally going legal! Or at least official!

And Hooray in advance to my darling friend Jed and my darling sister Jessie, who will both be turning 38 on Tuesday! Happy Almost Birthday! (Just in case I don't write again for a while.)

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