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This will be a short entry, because my eyes are tired, but I wanted to let everyone know that my LASIK was a great success, as far as I can tell. Dr. Cress said it went perfectly, and he was very pleased with the "perfect flap" he cut in each eye. :-) He was also very careful to line the flaps back up just right, and although my vision is slightly hazy, I'm pretty sure it's way better. Of course at the moment I'm looking through these funky plastic shields with holes in them for air circulation, so that kind of messes with my vision a little bit too.

I made a set of antennae from a couple of black pipecleaners curled in ringlets then twisted onto a black headband, and wore that around this afternoon and evening. I also bought myself some girlie-Elvis sunglasses at Walgreens last night, which I wore over to Jessie & Stewart's when Sean and I went there for dinner tonight.

My eyes are needing to be lubricated with artifical tears about every twenty to thirty minutes, but that seems normal and good. I have some stronger drops and antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and anti-pain drops for tonight before I go to sleep, and I have to wear the plastic shields while I'm sleeping. But then tomorrow I can take them off. I'll probably wear the sunglasses a lot just for protection, too.

Anyway, I think that's about all my eyes can take right now, so I'm going to get off the computer.

I'll know a lot more tomorrow about my vision -- the left eye is pretty much 20/20 I'd say just from guessing. The right eye is either not quite that good or will need a little more time to adjust and heal, because it had more done to it (the laser cutting was about three times as long for the right eye as for the left). We'll see. Pun intended!

In any case, NO MORE GLASSES! (Except for cute sunglasses.)

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