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Marlene Dietrich, eat your heart out!
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Today I sound like a sexpot forties film star. The sore throat that I thought might go away got worse, and turned into something or other that makes my voice alternately raspy and squeaky. Lovely, I'm sure. I was pretty stuffed up this morning, too, but that's gone now, so hopefully my various and sundry herbals are working, at least a little bit. I did have to cancel a first date that I had set up for tomorrow, and he emailed me back and said he was sorry I was sick and that I made a good call to cancel because he didn't want to get sick. And even though that was why I cancelled (and because I'm just more low energy, generally), I still felt kind of annoyed by how strongly he felt about not being exposed to anything. Dude, I'm a teacher. If you get involved with me at some point, you will get exposed to everything under the sun. It's part of the territory. (Actually, he's a teacher too, so I don't know why he's all worried.)

Okay, I'm over it.

The other sucky part of being sick-ish is that I may have to skip Kristi's baby shower tomorrow, which I wanted to go to. But I definitely don't want to add any stress to her life, so I might call and cancel if I don't feel a LOT better tomorrow. It would also mean driving over the hill, which may not be the best plan for me right now.

On the good news side of things: I have hot water! Our whole apartment complex has had no hot water since Thursday morning sometime. I've been heating water in the microwave so I can give myself a sponge bath, and it's just not the same. At least I got my hair washed at the hairdresser's on Thursday, so it wasn't too horrible. But today I finally got to take an actual hot shower. Hooray for hot showers! Even when I was heating up water in the microwave, though, I was feeling really grateful that I lived in a place where there was running water and electricity and drains and stuff... we're pretty friggin' fortunate here. But I'm still glad to have my hot water working again.

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