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entitlement, or the American id...a rant
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Yes, folks, it's a rant. It's a "tired of being run over by self-important people" kinda rant. It's a "isn't there a good planet to move to" kinda rant.

Ah, back in the golden days of repression and chivalry and, wait...

Despite what some people may think, chivalry ain't the answer. Courtesy, yes. A return of the ego. That's ego as in that portion of the psyche that's socially aware of the needs of others and so forth. I'm seeing id all over the place. People who are entitled to the exact spot I'm standing in, who are too Important for lines (be they on the highway or elsewhere), who think that just because they want something, no matter what it is, they Deserve it and I'm a royal bitch for not giving it to them right at that second. They are royalty and everyone else is a peasant. When you have a lot of people thinking that way, you get a lot of interesting clashes. People who get into fistfights over a parking space. People who will kill for no apparent reason because they felt disrespect somehow. People who all want it now, now, now and will do anything to anyone to get it. Because they deserve it. They're entitled to it. They deserve the best.

Human rights are one thing. Entitlement is another. Everyone has the right, in this society, to freedom and equality. The tricky part -- the bit that makes that sentence bring on a "say *what*?" to many -- is that one person's rights end where another person's begins. Your freedom doesn't entitle you to trample all over another's. If you don't believe that they have certain rights, why should they believe that you do? It's a two-way street. All social contracts are. Do unto others is pretty basic stuff.

All right, all right, end of rant. And no, I don't think we've achieved equality and all that. I'm just pointing out a theory as to why the civilization is becoming less civil.

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